Chapter 4: Best Buddies

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After interrogating Scarecrow as my newest patient, I was dragged off into another office across the hall. I looked to who it was and saw no-one other than the dark knight himself. I looked at Bruce and smiled akwardly(smiling wasn't my best skill but I try).

"How do you know?" he growled lowly. This was uncomfortable since the room was so cramped. It was more of a closet than an office. "I don't know how I know I just know," I said softly. He calmed down and picked up my chin. Looking me in the eyes he said "I know you won't tell." I just nodded and looked away blushing at his proximity.

He opened the door and I was let out just in time to see Scarecrow being escorted to his cell. He stared at me as he walked, I could feel his eyes boring into mine through the sack. The curiousity he felt towards me rolled off him in waves. I didn't know how I knew this, it'd never happened before.

Batman just held my shoulder almost as if he was trying to comfort me. I kinda liked it, he was like the brother I never had, cause you can't count Jonnathen really.

That night at home I was busy researching my family name for the millionth time, this time not ignoring all the Scarecrow references. It was... interesting. I was interupted by a phone call. "Kat, it's Bruce, would you like to go and have dinner so that we can talk?" I thought about it and replied sheepishly "I"d love to but why don't you come over rather, it'd be less public and I don"t have a car."

We spoke about a lot and I came to find that he was a really nice guy. It started pouring outside and before we knew it, it was hailing. I offered my extra bed and the, obviously, open garage for him to use. He gratefully accepted and went to pull his car out of the hail.

*Ping* came my phone. The message read "Having fun with your new best buddy? HA HA HA....


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