Chapter 10: Moon like eyes

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Joker's Pov:

Harley lay crumpled on the floor. It took me a while to register what exactly had happened and then I saw her. She was exquisid, her long snow white hair cascading down her gorgeous figure. Her moon like eyes staring through me. I was enthralled in them.

Her pale face seemed to glow in the wintery dark of the Gotham night. She smelled like an oceanic breeze. I coulfn't keep my eyes off her until I realized what she's done. She'd killed Harley! I couldn't bare the thought that something so purely beautiful could do that. "But wait!!" I thought. Her eyes were filled with anger and blood lust. She seemed to have done this deed out of revenge, but who... That's when the puzzle fit.

"MockingBird, what happened?" came Batman's voice. "Ah,ha I know who you are MockingBird" I thought and saw her standing before me. "Shh, it's a secret," she giggled, I'd just witnessed Miss Crane laugh for the first time ever!

Batman's POV:

I was outraged! I thought she was better than this. I thought she knew beyter than to take a life for the plain sake of revenge!

She touched my arm gently and whispered "She's not dead. Death is not a suitable punishment but I'll find one worthy of this wretch!" I was taken aback by this, never had I seen her so blood thirsty. Yes she'd been vengeful during training but this... this showed a dark side of her, one that scared me.

"I'll take them to Arkham," I said. She shook her head and replied "Take her, I'll take him." I reluctantly agreed and was soon on my way to Arkham. They'd no sooner taken Harley away when I got a text


Joker slipped away but I got some goons for Blackgate. They're in custody and I'm heading home. Would you like some dinner? I'm ordering chinese.


I looked at it and (internally) smiled. I liked her when she wasn't acting evil, I might even ask her out. Wait what about Joker? I read it again. There was no way, with her power, that he could've escaped, unless... Best not to think about it.

I got in the Batwing and was on my way, realising that I should probably go as Bruce Wayne instead of Batman. Who knows what the criminals of this town would do go her if they knew she was my friend.


My brain got befuddled during this chapter so please help me where you think I need it. Hope your enjoying it so far.

Love from Abz [which is me by the way]

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