Chapter 11: Riddler's question

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Katrina's POV:

I sat in my office, I'd cancelled my appointments because I needed to think. What was wrong with me! I brought Quinn to her knees in the blink of and eye and felt no regret. I also let Joker escape on purpose not to mention the other little thing that happened with him when Batz left.

Things like that were better left unsaid. I got up and walked to the office across from mine and knocked on the door. Maybel opened it and greeted me with open arms. She was my newest friend here at Arkham. She usually worked with the more mundaine patients with the exeption of Riddler.

She had an appointment with him in two minutes and had offered that I join her. I gratefully accepted.

Sitting in her interrogation room I noticed how different it looked from mine. It had light salmon walls and a few motivational posters up. I found it quite ugly actually but never-the-less I was happy to be here.

Riddler sat there and looked at me quizzically. "Hello Dr. Cliff and Dr. Crane, how are you this fine day?" he asked. I dicided that I wouldn't interfere with Maybel's interview so I just stayed quiet. "Well I see you know my colleague, Edward" May asked. "Oh yes, I do, we all do. You're a big topic of conversation around here," his reply was directed at me but I still refused to take over May's session.

"Edward I never took you for one to gossip," Maybel flirtatiously teased. I raised my eyebrow at this. I tapped into their brainwaves and smirked. I'll have to ask her about this later.

"I don't gossip, Dr. Cliff, I am merely intrigued with the happenings around me, be they truths or mere versions of the truth," he smoothly replied. Were all of their sessions like this because if so then I didn't understand why they didn't just kiss already!

"So how was your kiss with the Joker?" Riddler questioned. "What?!" I stuttered. "You heard me... how. Was. Your. Kiss. With. The. Joker?"


Well she's been naughty!!! Wonder what Batz is gonna think. Tell me what you think, if you wanna.


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