Chapter 24: Why so curious

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Jonnathen's POV:

I'd heard about the new turf war between Joker's gang and Penguin's but felt more curious as to who Joker's secret weapon was. It had to be kat. I hadn't seen her around lately nor have I heard from her. It seemed odd.

I sat in my lab contemplating this conundrum when I heard a soft thump as a dark figure landed beside me. At first I thought it was The Batman but then realized it was no-one other than my beloved sister.

"John, can I ask you a flavour?" she nervously whispered. "A flavour? Oh you mean a favour, I see. Sure, anything for my sis." I replied. It felt good to be trusted by some-one, I missed it.

"Well could you please tell me about umm," she hesitated as if unsure of what to say next, "can we talk about mom and dad?" I looked at her hopeful face. It held a sense of innocent curiousity. It was a very awkward subject but she'd have to learn eventually.

I began:

"Well mom and dad, they were ordinary I guess. Mom's name was Hanna and she would always keep her eyes on the floor when she walked into the room. Her long auburn hair would fall over her bright blue eyes but you'd still see the warmth in them. Dad was very protective but a softy on the inside.

He had a deep rumbling voice that always used to settle my nerves. When you cried all he had to do was hum and you'd look up at him with your large glossy eyes and gurgle. We used to play video games together. He was also the one who got me interested in psychology." I sighed, this was the hard part.

"I was thirteen and you were three when I'd come home one day and found you crying on the floor. I called for mom and dad and heard nothing. I called the police and they did nothing. I rummaged through dad's files and drawers and with each document my spirits dropped further.

It appeared that our parents had had ties with Mad Dog. They'd asked a favour of him and couldn't pay it back. After a few days of sitting at home watching you and worrying, I heard a knock on the door. I didn't see anyone there. I opened it to find a package.

I tore the brown paper to find a picture of our family and a note that read;

"How does it feel to be alone? Do you fear abandonment? How does it feel to know that your parents gave up their lives for yours? Does it make you feel guilty?

Yours Truly
Mad Dog"

I just accepted that they were dead and tried to move on. It was inevitable that social services would intervene soon enough but I'd never thought that they seperate us. I went to an all boys bording house and devoted my time to studies always wondering what happened to mom and dad aswell as what happened to you. They wouldn't let me see you and it hurt deeply because I love you, you're my sister."

A rogue tear rolled down my cheak and I saw that Kat's eyes were red. I hugged her and wiped away the tears that were streaming down her face. "It's alright Kat, I'm here now."


Sorry I haven't been updating lately, I've been lazy. If there's any suggestions you'd like to give, please, I'd love to here them.

Love y'all

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