Chapter 17: Caught Red Handed.

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I typed up my report on Poisen Ivy. She was very interesting, psychologically and as a person. Unfortunately she would not be my patient but I had enough on my plate already without taking up a new patient.

It was then, on my walk to Joker's cell, that I remembered to text Jonnathen back. All I'd told him was that the spare keys are under the rose bush and that he was to have no parties.

I tucked my phone away before entering the solitary wing. This was where we kept our most dangerous patients, and Harley Quinn due to her deteriorated state.

I passed Mr. Freeze's cell and he gave a brief nod. He was not evil nor was he crazy, he had just gone to extreme mwasures to save his wife aswell as falling prey to fate. His accident had only changed him physically not mentally, ok maybe he was little bit more sadistic but he was still a good guy.

I stood infront of Joker's cell and knocked lightly. He snapped up and was at the bars in no-time. " Ah Kat, I see you've come to visit. Well it's lovely to see you again my dear." I smiled at his antics, how cute. I called a guard to help me take him to my consultation room because we can't have the staff seeing me breaking protocal and removing him myself.

In the room he sat and looked around at the recently decorated room, "I like what you've done with the place doc." I smiled and nodded. "Joker we need to talk, off record." He wasn't surprised and I continued, "Do you want to go on a date." I blushed and he chuckled affectionately "Well doc, now that was unexpected."

Jonnathen's POV:

I sat in Kat's lounge and put on the tv. I 'd previously seen her get the spare keys from under the rose bush. I'd been watching her for a few days, not in a stalkerish way. It's more like a protective older brother way.

I flipped through the channels and heard the landline ring until it went to voice mail.
"Kat, it's Bruce. I'm coming over, we need to talk. Be there in 20." *beep*
OH NO! I got up and hid in her spacious bedroom. There weren't many plaxes to hide but I managed. Just in time to hear Bruce Wayne walk in. Hoe did He know where the key was hidden?! In fact what connection does he have with my sister that he's allowed in her home... alone!?

I'd have to talk to her about it! I was especially confused because I'd seen her kiss Joker!!! She wouldn't be the kind of person to cheat would she? The door opened again and Katrina was laugjing along with another person. His manic laugh was all too familiar.

I got out from my hiding spot and walked downstairs. I found Bruce's face hilarious seeing 2 of the most wanted men in Gotham standing in his friend's home. Well at least I'm hoping they're only friends. He stood there, mouth agape and I caught Joker's eye. We fell into a fit of giggles.


Well there ya go. I'll try and update every weekend but I can't promise anything until the 26th of November. Wish me luck for exams please.

Love you all

If you want to, you can help me with my other book; Homework Stinks. It's an english project where I've had to write a short story but I can't decide which of the four I'm going to hand in.

Enjoy my chocolate chip cookies ♥

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