Chapter 20: Sleepy Kitty

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Joker's POV:

Well that was awkward!!!!! I just couldn't resist, my curiousity got the best of me. I could've used any of the above excusives but decided to play it smooth. Well as smooth as possible.

The look on her face was priceless, it was a good thing Jonnathen had been carrying the tray. If Kat had been the one holding it her carpet wouldn't be green anymore. I only realised then what colours her room had changed to. It was purple and green but it wasn't just any purple or green, it was my signature colours. I was flattered.

I looked back at her gorgeous features and noticed her blush. She looked so beautiful and it made my manic-heart swell. She was perfect and I could see me spending the rest of my life with her.

"J, umm" she tried to speak but it seemed as if her embarrassement was locking her mouth shut. I noticed that Scarecrow wasn't in the room anymore. He must've thought we needed some privacy or he just needed to laugh. I snickered at that thought.

She sat down on the bed and I sat down next to her. I looked at her crimson cheeks as she would not meet my eyes. "Why so timid Kat?" I whispered in her ear. She shivered and shuffled closer to me, leaning her head on my shoulder. I felt a stray tear on my neck and held her closer. This must've been a lot to handle for any sane person, not that I would know.

Her breathing soon deepened as she fell into a soundless sleep. I layed her down on the pillow and tried to get up. I was roughly pulled down and nearly fell before I noticed her grip tightening on my hand.

I climbed over her to the other side of the ginormous mattress and lay my head down to sleep.

I woke up to see the flaxen locks of my love, she was so peaceful. I put my arm around her waist when I heard a scoff at the door. "I thought this might happen, well better you than that Wayne guy," said Scarecrow. I should probably start calling him by his real name soon, Kat did ask me to. It's something like Jane, Jake, Joe... oh whatever.

"Jonnathen?" I heard Katrina sleepily whisper. Oh that's it! I'll most probably forget it though. Jonno walked back out of the room after saying good bye to Kat. It seemed as if he was heading off to his hide-out. 'That doesn't sound like a bad plan though' I thought. 'I just don't want to leave Kat alone, not with people like Bruce Wayne out and about!'

"Kat, do you want to go somewhere tomorrow... with me?" I hummed. She just responded with a "Mhmm" and a nod so I took it as a yes. 'I think she'd like my hide-out. Although she might not be too happy with Harley's stuff still being there!'

I called up one of my men "Fred it's Joker I need you to burn all Harley's stuff, tonight. Just put it in the blast furnace for all I care, Haha." I slapped my hand over my mouth and looked over at Kat, she was still sleeping. Thank goodness.

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