A Rose as Black as your Heart

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The knife trembled in my hands, the silver blade glinting in the light of the fire. I stared at it, as if it held the answers to all of life’s questions. My knuckles were white around the hilt.

I looked down at the ground. There lay the boy I loved; his face was contorted in agony, wreathed in pain. I felt hot tears burn my cheek, and I took in a heaving breath, trying to control my emotions. The smoke from the fire burned my lungs, choking me. I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think; but I had to. In order to save the boy I loved, I had to.

My decision was balanced on the point of a knife. I could only fall one way or the other. There was no in between. I could either save him, or kill him. I couldn’t just leave him. Taking in deep, shuddering breaths, I made my way towards him. My lover. My best friend. My whole world. I held up my knife, watching the silver glimmer like water, the reflection of the burning orange flames dancing across it. Then, before I could change my mind, I raised the knife above my head...

And plunged it into his heart.

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