The Day He Got Married

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Depression is like drowning
Not being able to die

Please remember if you happen to see errors. Point them out to me
Thank you..



The girl was late for the wedding. I don't tolerate tardiness I would have to tell her all the things I do not tolerate when I take her home.

The orchestra began to play. In came the bridesmaids. I started to feel anxious for some strange reason I could not believe I was getting married. Me! Luke Rochester! The notorious casanova.

I saw her walk down the isle and I felt my chest tugged. Her dress was breath taking emphasizing her small waist. Her face was covered with a veil and I couldn't help but think that maybe she really was ugly. She walked down the isle with her head held down the whole time.

I noticed that while her uncle walked her to the isle. He was the one holding her. She seemed to not want to touch him. She walked with grace and held her head down cast the entire time. He place her hand in mine. Warm and soft. Then did she look up only to cast her head down.

We recited our vows her voice was mesmerizing almost drawing me to her. It had a flow to it.

I noticed the tears falling from the veil unto the floor when she said I do.

Emily. That was her name.

I realize she'd been crying the whole time. The pastor said you may kiss the bride. Which would be inappropriate to the crowd as we've only just met. I wondered if I should remove her veil I decided against it. I kissed her hand instead. She quickly withdrew her hand from mine as if I had burnt her.

I could help but chuckle inside. The little mouse was scared.

We left the church in separate carriages and went to her house to have the reception party. The groom and bride traditional dance did not take place as my wife vanished the moment we set foot in her home.

When it was almost over then did she grant me with her presence. She walked down the stairs. I thought to my self why had she not changed from her wedding gown. I watched as Victoria grabbed her rather harsh and whispered in her ear. I saw her come and stand next to me.

I walked around with her and introduced her to my co workers. Not once did she acknowledge them or me.

Which made me very angry her head cast down the whole time. Was she ashamed of me. But how could she be. I was handsome, smart and rich all the necessary traits of a good man. And not to mention good in bed.

I told her that we would leave now and she nodded. I watched her run to a young girl and an old lady hugged them like it was the last days. I noticed Victoria and Dimitri standing a far she didn't acknowledge their presence.

Never once did she speak to any of them. After she had hugged the young girl she came and stood beside me. We left and went to my coach.

I walked to my side and let my self in as the chauffeur opened her side.

On the ride home I noticed never once did she lift her head up. She just kept fiddling with her finger. Which began to annoy to me. Was she nervous. Scared of the wedding night to come.

I decided to break this awkward silence.

" Since I am your husband now I suppose there are something you should know.

I am not a man to be trifled with.

1.This marriage is not a marriage of love.

2.You belong to me body and soul. I see you as nothing more than a vessel that I will use to have my child.

3.You will not speak out of place and only speak to me when I speak to you.

4.You will ensure my household is kept in order.

5.You will not go anywhere without my permission.

6. If ever I find out that you have been unfaithful I will kill your lover and let you watch.

7.You will not question about my

8. Don't get any ideas in that ugly head of your that I will be faithful to you. This is nothing more than a business agreement an you are just a deal I closed is that clear?" I said

She answered with a nod.

From hence forth you are but a possession to me and nothing more" I said

She showed no indication of having heard my words but I knew she did. She just head her head down.

We fell into our awkward silence once more.

Yessss Luke is very cold
Emily is played by Crystal Reed...
I love this girl from teen wolf..
Any teen wolf fans???
If you aren't then you should be!!


BEING MARRIED TO MR ROCHESTER (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora