The Day She Felt At Ease

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Mistakes are forgive able if one has the courage to admit them.


He saw me in a state of undress. He tried to touch me, I flinched, he got angry, he slammed the door and that's when I broke down.

I wanted to forgive him. For the sake of my child. For the sake of my soul. I could not go on hating Luke. Or Victoria, my mother or my father. What would a heart filled with hatred get me? A place in hell for sure.

I walked to my place of serenity. The garden. It always calmed my spirit. The pond, the flowers, the soft wind that caressed my face. I closed my eyes.

I felt another presence beside me. I opened my eyes and gasped.

"Peeegggyyyy" I lunged at her. Clasping her in a bear tight hug. Tears sprang to my eyes.

"Em" she smiled holding my face in her hand. She kissed both my cheeks.

"How I've missed you" I told her.

"And I you" she held my hands.

"How are you here?" I asked

"Mr Rochester came for me. All those things I heard about him being a rake it must be a lie. He's such a gentleman" I was too stunned to speak. Was this my husband she spoke of.

"Mr Rochester as in the man I married?" I could not help but ask. She smacked my arm and giggled.

"Of course silly. Your husband. He came and asked Mrs Chambers if I could visit you and she said yes without hesitation"

"But ..." She held a hand to my lips. Shushing me.

"I see you've been busy" I raised a brow. She winked at my tummy. I blushed when I caught her meaning.

"I see you newly weds wasted no time. I cant believe it. My Emily married, pregnant, in love. You do love him right? I mean who wouldn't. He's so tall and handsome. And rich let's not forget rich" she went on and on. Not even giving me a chance to speak.

I smiled. It was good to see Peggy. But she had everything wrong. But I let her have her fairytale.

"God I'm such a chatterbox" she let out a deep breath. "How are you really" she gave me a stern eye.

"I am well" I told her.

"Has everyone eaten?" She snickers eyeing my tummy.

When dust fell Peggy left. She and Mrs Witty got along quite well.

I had not seen Luke all day. I wondered what he was doing. Perhaps he was in his study.

Why did Luke get Peggy for me. Surely it wasn't because he wanted me to be happy.
He didn't care about me. He cared about the baby. It puzzled me really.

I walked to his study and knocked.

"Come in" as usual his face was in papers. I turned to leave.

"Emily" he said without looking up.

"I just wanted to thank you for getting Peggy to visit me" he finally moved the paper.

"It was no trouble at all. I just thought you might need a familiar face" he did not smile. His face was just emotionless.

"I did"

"About yesterday. I shouldn't have tried to touch you. I wasn't angry at you. I was angry at myself. For the way I treated you. For everything." His eyes looked vulnerable. Filled with guilt.

"Maybe in time we could be friends" I smiled at him.

"I'd like that"

I felt him touch my cheek with his palm. I leaned into it and closed my eyes. I felt his cold lips place a chaste kissed on my forehead.

"Goodnight" he whispered in my ear. I turned and left.

Time heals all things.



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