The Day She Decided To Leave

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If you're a pervie like me then I guarantee you will looooove her books... READ THEM!!!!!



I've been here three months now and I think I'm with child. I have not seen my monthly. I have been throwing up a lot and I cannot stand the smell of eggs. The instant the aroma finds my nostrils I can't hold anything down.

I see Mrs Witty watching me from the corner of her eyes. Watching me like a hawk. I think she may know.

I packed quietly and quickly. I had no intention of staying here anymore. I folded two dresses. I would leave through the back door and walk through the woods by the back of the house. It would leave me on a track and I would happily walk to the nearest town.

I just had to leave. I thought I could be strong and endure it here but I simply cannot. A house that felt like a ghost town. A husband who did not acknowledge my presence. A husband I loathed. A child could not possibly be born in this suffocating environment.

The door creaked and I hastily shoved the bag under the bed.

It was Mrs Witty with tea.

"Going some where are we?"

What was the point in lying. I drew the bag from under my bed.

"I can't stay here" I couldn't bring my self to meet her eyes.

"And you think leaving will be beneficial for your child" I was shocked. Not for the fact that she suspected as I did that I was with child but at how blunt she was.

"Luke is a monster. You don't know what he's like" I whispered.

"Maybe so but with all due respect I've known Luke longer. I grew him. I know he's not prefect but is any one really. But a monster ma'am I assure you he's not"

"You don't know what he did to me. You have no right to judge me and make me feel guilty" my eyes sprang tears.

"What did he do" her voice was gentle as she touched my hand. Resting her palm over mine. I felt like I could trust her. She was my only friend here.

I had bottled up everything inside. I just needed someone to talk to. Peggy was so far away.

"He... He.. He.. Hurt me!" I broke out in a weeping mess.

She embraced me. Held me. Brushed my hair and soothed me.

"Hurt you how? Tell me"

I told her about how little he made me feel on the carriage ride to the house. Demanding rules I was to follow like prison. Told me I was a possession! Making me feel like bird in a cage. Trapped.

Like a dog on a leach. He was my master. He decided how long my leach would stretch for.

He even called me little mouse.

I told her about the wedding night. How he was rough with me. Used me. Like a common whore! He did not care about how I felt after the wedding night. How sore I was, he didn't not think to come and and comfort me. He is a cold and callus man.

Her never dined with me. He never spoke to me. It was embarrassing and I felt small.

I vented and vented. I ranted. I told her of the hatred I felt towards him. Not once did she stop me or defend him. She simple listened. I never had anyone to talk to about my problems. Not even Peggy. I never allowed myself to open up to anyone.

Here I was crying on the shoulder of my wretched husband's employee.

After what felt like hours I stopped crying and eased from Mrs Witty embrace.

She looked me in the eyes.

"What Luke did you was despicable. What he did you will never forget but you can forgive"

FORGIVE! He doesn't deserve it!

"How can I forgive him? I feel like he's tainted me. Scarred me forever. He used me. Hurt me" could I ever forgive him. It's what God would have wanted. Rather wants. But what about me! What about what I want. I wanted to hate him forever with every fiber I possessed in my body.

Nobody had ever asked me what I want. They just did to me what they wanted. Me leaving would give me freedom. A chance to make my own mistakes. A chance to what I wanted for the first.

All he did was all to add to my pain. He marked me emotional and Victoria marked me physically.

What would hating Luke bring me. I know I surely would not be happy. I would become bitter. Hatred would do nothing more than taint my soul. It was enough that he had tainted my body.

Mrs Witty held my chin.

"God forgave us for what we did his son. Forgive them for they know not what they do" she quoted.

"I could try. But I still want to leave"

"Let's make a deal if by next month you still hate him then I shall help you disappear" I searched her eyes for any trace of betrayal but I saw none.

All I saw before me was an old lady who wanted to help. But to help who? Me or Luke.

I released a long sigh.

"Deal" I held out my hands but instead she drew me in for a hug. And kissed my forehead.

For the first time in a very long time I felt loved. I felt wanted.

I felt keen someone's daughter. Like someone actually cared about me!

She rubbed my stomach.

" I think Mr Rochester will be very please do you not think so?" She asked

" I hope so" I whispered

" He is not as bad as you think. He is a very good man. Just give it time and forgiveness . He's a very reserved man. Perhaps in time he will open up to you and it's not my place or story to tell" she left with that.

I watched the sunset as Mrs Witty left. I touched my stomach and smiled. The thought of my unborn child warmed my heart. Luke and I had created another human being.

It was not made of love but rather a torturous wedding night. But it will be loved.

Mrs Witty words replayed in my mind. Forgiveness.

The lovely EMMA THOMPSON - as Mrs Witty!!!
I love her! I just thought she would be perfect and so she is!!!

And so Emily opened up to Mrs Witty!!
Do you think she should forgive Luke or let hatred consume her?????!!


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