The Day He Decided To Change

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If He Treats You Like Shit 💩
If He Tells You That You Look Like Shit💩
If He Tells You That You Smell Like Shit💩
If He Calls You Shit💩
Chances Are You're A Monkey🐒🐒🐒

Would she ever forgive me? Do I deserve forgiveness?

After what I did to her. After how I used her body that night for my own guilty pleasure. How I hurt her with my words.

There was no excuse for the way I treated her.   I was nothing more than a cold bastard taking out my unresolved issued on my wife. The woman who would bare my children. Who has one growing inside her womb already.

I never meant to treat her this way. But the way she had treated me at the wedding I was stunned. I was use to women kissing the very ground I walked on. She was immune to me.

I was so broken and it was because of "them".

I was such a hypocrite really. It was deceit, cheating and heartbreak that made me the way I am today. Here I was cheating on my wife. If my father were to cheat on my mother I would have him hanged by the balls upside down.

My child would be born soon. Was this the life I wanted for them? A mother and father would could not stand the sight of each other.  Who hated each other. A father who would flaunted woman in front of his/her mother.

I wanted my child to respect me as I my father. I wanted my child to love me. I must become a man worthy of his/her love and respect.

I must admit I rather enjoyed Emily's company. She made a lovely wife. I was very angry and extremely surprised when I found out that Emily was not after all a ugly ducking. But a beautiful and charming young woman. I was still taken back that she had struck me across the face. I chuckled no one every struck me before.

Maybe being married to her wouldn't be so bad after all. There was a show at the theater coming up two nights from now. I was suppose to be accompanied by Lady Marian but after what she did at the ball I think not. I would take Emily I rather enjoyed her company.

I woke up very early that morning and went for my morning ride. When I came back I saw Emily sitting in the dining room eating alone. My first thought was to walk right past her but then I decided what harm would be done if I kept her company. As soon as she saw me her eyes widen in fear.

" Good morning Mr Rochester" she said. I hated when she called me by my surname it was so formal. I'd rather have her call me Luke. But I said nothing.

"Good morning" I half smiled
" Do you mind if I join you!" I asked and she shook her head.

We began to eat in silence. When I broke it.

" Lovely weather" why in Gods name would I say that. Is that the best I could do at small talk.

"Yes it's quite lovely" she smile at me.

"You fancy a stroll into town?" I asked and saw her eyes lit up.

"Yes I think that would be nice" she answered. We ate in a comfortable silence.

I was all dressed when I decided to knock on Emily's door. She shouted come in. When I opened the door I saw Emily in nothing but her undergarments.

Her pregnancy was getting very visible it was no longer a small bump but round.  She grabbed her dress up to cover her body.

" You did say I could come in. I'm assuming you thought I was Mrs Witty" I said as she stood frozen.

"Would you like some assistance?" I asked in whisper. I walked to her and she took a step backward. I reached over to her to touch her shoulder. She flinched and cowered back in fear.

"Please leave" she sounded like she was going to crying. I walked out the door slamming it.

I was so angry.

Angry at myself. It was no fault but mine! My fault that she was afraid of me. She didn't even want me to see her led alone touch her. The way her eyes looked at me it was filled with fear.

She must have thought that I would have taken her like a beast in heat. How could I blame her. I did it once. The things that must be going through her mind.

Was I such a monster in her eyes.

I must make things right!

"This has to end" I told her sternly. She all but batted her lashes at me.

"I forgive you Luke for the incident at the ball. It's done and forgotten" she walked over seductively trying to kiss me.

I grasped her firmly by the shoulder.

"I have a child on the way for God sakes. I'm married" I half shouted at her. Hoping that she would get the message.

"Where you not married the other times you were here! So you got her pregnant? I don't care Luke!" she screamed at me.

"Those times coming here was a mistake"

"Were you thinking of her when you took me like a common whore! Did you think of that ugly thing you call a wife! I see the way you look at her at the ball! You're smitten"  she turned in a puddle.

"You will not speak about the mother of my child so" I was beyond angry. How dare her!

"I could have been the mother of your children. But you choose that ugly bitch" she tried to slap me but I caught her hand she spat at me.

The thought of hitting a woman never crossed my mind till now. I turned to leave before I did something I would most likely regret.

"I'd rather a ugly bitch as you said than a common whore to bare my children" I bowed and left.

Emily was by no means ugly. She was very beautiful. Marian was just jealous.

I came here to end things subtle instead I earned spit and a almost slap. But I felt as though some weight has been lifted off my shoulder.

I will become a man worthy of her forgiveness. I will become a man my child will look up on.

How are we liking Luke?????



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