The Day The Truth Came Out

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Perfect that's how everything felt. Everything was as it should be. Luke was everything I hoped my husband would be. Loving. Caring. Funny.

My mothers health was improving. Charles had written and informed me. My mother and I relationship had improved greatly. And Greta was her usual self chatty as was John reserved.

The twins has begun to walk. I would think it was good thing. Less strain on my hands but in fact it was perhaps worse. They vanish off. When they knew they were in trouble they made a run for it.

My two beautiful rascals.

Peggy was coming to work and live with us. I was so happy. Luke and I would be heading over to my old house to help peggy gather her few belongings.

I felt uncomfortable going back. I did not want to see Dimitri or Victoria. I was already having second thoughts. The pain and memories came flooding back.

But I wanted to there with Peggy. Luke would be there. He was my backbone. I saw for myself that he would protect me to earths end.

He would keep me safe. He would reassure me.

A snapping of finger made bought me back to reality.

"Are you ready?" Luke asked.


The carriage pulled up to the house of horror. Luke kissed my cheek as reassurance.

We knocked on the door and it was opened by Mr Tom my old butler. He was about mid sixties. Very tall and lanky, white hair ever since I knew him. He seemed surprised and the pulled me in for a hug.

"You are more beautiful than I remember" he pinched my cheek. He turned and shook Luke's hand.

"If you don't mind me asking ma'am why have you returned?" He asked

"To get Peggy"

He answered with a nod and led me to the drawing room.

"Well well what do we have here" I was startled by Victoria's venom voice. She had a glass in her hand.

"I'm just here to get Peggy and leave" I told her. I tried to keep my voice steady.

"You're here to ruin everything again! You always ruin everything" her speech slurped. She was drunk.

"I'm not here to look a fight" I told her.

"He was supposed to leave everything for ME! instead he left everything for you! You rejected thing! I hate you" she yelled at my face

"What are you taking about" I looked at Luke who wasn't saying anything. Instead his focus was all on Victoria.

"I'm talking about the house, the business! Everything! You stupid girl! He willed everything to you. He left nothing for me! He should have hated you. Your mother left him when I found him. He was so pathetic and weak. I wrapped him around my fingers. I was a shoulder for him to cry on! And I had him in the palm of my hand. Got the jackass to marry me"

My fist were clenched. She was talking about my father. All this time I thought he had left everything for her! But she stole everything from me.

Memories of childhood began to surface. All the pain I endured.

"You were so perfect. Nothing you did was every wrong. Your father loved you so much. He disgusted me. I made your life hell. I got you married to a rake hoping he would wreck you. Instead you captured his heart. I hate you!" She flung the glass to the wall. It shattered

I listened to every word. All my childhood I wondered what I did to deserved all this. When all this time she was jealous of me.

"You know the fondest memory I have of your father is him dying!"

Every fear I had vanished and was replaced with rage.

"You bitch" I shouted before I tackled her to the ground. I started slapping her in the face. Luke pulled me off!

She got up quickly.

She swung her hand.

I expected the impact but it never came. Luke restrained her hand.

"Don't you ever touch her again!" Luke's face showed pain.

"Release my sister this instant" Dimitri waltz in the room.

Luke shoved Victoria into Dimitri's arms.

"Both of you leave now" he shouted at us.

Tired that's how I felt at the moment. Tired of being told what you do by these two wicked creatures before me.

Tired of the lies and deception.

"I should be telling you that! Get the hell out of my father's house! Before I throw you out" I shouted at them.

"You can't proved that" Dimitri stuttered.

"Oh but she can!" Peggy came down the stairs in all her glory with her suitcases!

"You know nothing servant girl" Victoria yelled at Peggy.

Peggy came over to me and handed me a piece of paper. It was my father's will. He had indeed left everything to me.

"How did you find that you can't even read" Victoria eyes held fear.

"Actually Emily taught me to read years ago" Peggy defended herself.

"You.." Victoria began to speak before I shut her up.

"You need to leave now! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW!" I was fuming

Luke opened the door and bowed. Even in a situation like this Luke had humor.

Victoria was at the door when she turned around and gave me a look of pure hatred.

Everything happened in slow motion.

Victoria grabbed a knife and passed Luke and headed for me. Screaming as she ran towards me.

Peggy punched her so hard she fell with a thud and was out cold.

"She's getting on my last nerve"

Victoria!!!!!!! Stole everything from Emily... Hater that's what she is!!!




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