The Day She Arouse Him

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I wish heaven had a telephone so I could hear your voice one last time


Victoria was gone. Dimitri was gone. Marian was gone. All our ghost in the closet were no more. Emily was at her happiest. She had Peggy. She laughed so much since lately. She was happy. That's exactly what I always wanted.

I could tell she was at a place in her life where she was completely happy and I felt a great sense of pride knowing that I contributed to that.

The twins were now a year old. I can't believe Emily and I would be married for almost two years.

It's amazing how times flies. Only yesterday it felt like we were at each other's throat. Where I though I had her all figured out. That she was a spoilt brat.

But God was she brave. She deserved to be happy after all life threw at her.

We managed to find love in each other. We some how found a rainbow after the storm. We became a family, a team.

I something could not believe how lucky I was to have found Emily. After years of rejecting what life and love had to offer me. I was happy. So happy.

I now see why my father looked at my mother like she was worlds greatest treasure. Because that's exactly how I felt about Emily

Arms encircled me. I knew it was Emily.

"Hello wife" I smiled

"How could you tell it was me" she frowned

"I know your body plus I don't think anyone is that brave to hug me" I smirked.

She stood before me frowning. She was so beautiful. I tilted her chin up towards me and captured her lips. She moved her lips against mine soft and gentle.

I wanted her so bad. We had not made love from that night. I was waiting patiently for her to come willing to me.

I pulled back and looked at her.

"I am a lucky man"

"That you are" she smirked. Cocky much.

We were in the children's room playing with them. Rather I was playing with Lizzy. Ozy was busy throwing things around.

I could tell he would be a rebel. My little Lizzy was always smiling.

My beautiful children I would defend them with my life. My family meant the world to me.

"Dada" my eyes bulged out and my eyes immediately went to Emily.

"Did you hear that?" I jumped up excitedly.

"Yes I did" she sat composed. Clearly I was more excited than her.

I swept Lizzy in my arms. I rained kisses over her.

"Say it again" she steered into my face lost to what I was saying.

I repeated dada to her for about 15 minutes she showed no signs of repeating. I placed her back on the floor and she went back to playing as if nothing happened.

"Why isn't she saying it back Emily?" I scratched my head.

"Perhaps she doesn't want to say it again. Give it time Luke. A tad bit too excited don't you think?" She chuckled.

"Fine" I sat and crossed my arms.

We were eating dinner. My parents, Emily and I. Laughing. When I felt a foot brushed mine. I almost jumped. I looked over at Emily with a knowingly smile on her face.

She was taunting me. She ran her toe along my leg. I looked over at Emily suspiciously but she continued to eat as though she did nothing.

Then I felt it. Her hands sliding up between my legs. My eyes bulged. My Emily? I quickly grabbed her hand. Her hand was so close to my member.

She had a mischievous grin on her face.

I began to feel arouse.

The dinner felt like it would never end.

I was the last to leave the table. A budge in my pants would be most embarrassing for everyone at the dinner to see.

Emily had already retired laughing as she strolled upstairs.

I soon left the table.

I opened the room and found Emily in her night gown. Head held down.

Still shy.

I walked over and lifted her. She wrapped her legs around me.

I began to kiss her neck. She titled her back giving me better access. I had one hand under her bottom and the next behind her neck.

She moaned against me.

"I want you so much Emily. You have no idea do you how long I waited to have you again. I have to have you love" I whispered as I bit her ear.

"Then have me dearest husband"

I claimed her lips.

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