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Louis P.O.V

i look past my romances in regret and pain i fall in love with both boys and girls so you'd think it would be easier to find someone to love? you thought wrong...

i am a difficult young man when it comes to love either they are giving too much or not enough my mum gets excited whenever I asks a duke or duchess on a date but then is heart-broken whenever it ends badly and as i am king i can blame the break up on the other person and can cut their salary by half or deny them cattle or corn for a period of time. Evil i know but i can be quite evil i am king you know!

I have just had my 21st birthday and the pressure is on every other royal gets married much younger at around 18, my family looks at me with shame and i am a disappointment untill i fall in love. Here i am looking at myself in the mirror getting ready for my birthday party which my mother organised she invited every rich person throughout the land and to her i know this event is just a courting session or in modern terms speed dating. 

'i was courted when i was 17 and married when i was 18,' My mother says every day to me. 

My dad wants me to get married so he can pass the sword of Alphadeus to me, i have used it many times when my dad has taken me out hunting on our galliant horses or when i am practising for battle against the other empire, we have to practice all the time yet there hasn't been a battle for years. 

'Louis honey hurry up the guests are arriving you don't want to be a late host do you?' I heard my mother call to me 

i walked out of my massive room and down the stairs of the palace to the banqueting hall where the party was taken place.

'Make sure you talk to Duchess Rose i hear she is single and very pretty,' my mum said i nodded and rolled my eyes most of the rich kids were inconsiderate selfish vain arrogant people. Who would only love me for the palace. 

the party went on and i wasn't mingling much i just sat at the edge with a glass of red wine looking at all the men dressed in suits and girls dressed in elegant dresses everyone having a good time except for me. The orchestrea played lovely songs and i hummed along. I caught sight of my sister Lottie she's only 16 yet she is already courted i feel so sorry for her she was talking to her future husband duke Alexander of Devonshire he was 18 and took a liking to my sister and next thing you know she is courted and was pressured to say yes. This is pathetic i know my younger sister who is 5 years younger is already courted. 

'Louis what are you doing go dance with Rose now!' My mum said i sighed and put my wine down and walked up to her, she had curly blonde hair  and was wearing a brilliant dress and was quite pretty but i knew her horrible personality would take her stunningness out of her. (picture of Rose in media pics)

'May i have this dance?' i asked her placing out my hand. she fanned herself with her fan. she looked at me so arrogantly as if she was so much better and it should be a privliage to dance with her. 

'you may,' she said and we danced around and hardly talked

'so i hear you haven't courted a girl or boy yet,' she said while we pranced around the dance floor. 

i knew what she was hinting at 

'Rose...i hardly know you and,' i said

'so if you aren't thinking of marrying me why the fuck are you dancing with me?' she said letting go of my hands

'its not lady-like to swear,' i said to her

'fuck off,' she said

and walked away angrily. i sighed. 

After the party of dissapointments my mum would hardly look at me. 

'I can't believe you scared rose off the poor girl,' my mum said shaking her head as we returned to the chambers

'mum it wasn't like that-' i said

'i dont care if you dont find a man or woman to marry by the end of the month you can forget the crown i dont care if you are the oldest,' My mum said

i gasped this was a bit extreme 'mum you can't do that!' i pleaded

'oh yes i can,' she said crossing her arms 'this party was supposed to help you but you are beyond help,' 

'mum please i have worked all my life for this crown!' i pleaded 'it will be mine in a year,' 

'then you better find someone to marry,' she said 

'oh so you think forcing me to marry someone will be better forcing me to marry someone i don't love that's you plan? to make me unhappy just as you made lottie you are evil!,' i said

'dont you dare speak like that to your own mother!' she shouted and smacked me across the face in my 21 years of existance my mother has never done that to me. i expected her to be sorry but she was still fuming at me. i held my red cheek. 

'you are so picky you honestly would be better off choosing a husband or wife  like choosing a pet out of a pet store but to bad humans aren't trained to love whoever they have to,' My mum said shaking her head. 

my mum was being sarcastic but i had a brilliant idea when she left my room. I called for my best knight Niall horan. 

'Niall!' i said

'how can i be of service king?' he said while bowing

'you know the poor people that live in the slum area around the land the ones who are forced to do things they don't wan't to do,' i said

'yes?' he said

'do you think they will be nicer and more obiediant than the people in our rich provinces,' i said

'definatly,' niall said

'well great all i want in a husband or wife is someone who would do whatever i asked them to do and would serve me,' i said 

'pardon?' Niall asked

'Niall as you may know i am looking for a person to marry either a man or woman but i think i want a man now i want someone nice and noone like the people around here in the rich provinces so i want you along with other knights to kidnap some of the boys around my age from the poor provinces and lock them up and i will choose one of them to court and they wont have a choice either,' i said evily

'right but you know this will be hard-work i dont mean to be greedy but me and the other knights would want some money,' niall said

'fine fine fine hows about this you put a price on each boy you kidnapp i choose one of the boys and i will buy the boy off of you!' i said

'okay then it shouldn't be too hard to kidnapp boys from the poor provinces they are all so afraid of us over there but are you sure you want a husband from the poor provinces?' he said

'definatly they will do whatever i say and will basically fall onto my feet and besdies they must be good-looking over there i mean i am sick of all the people here i need someone new,' i said

'okay i'll be right on we will leave in the morning,' Niall said

'dont fail me niall,' i said

'i wont,' he said

tommorow i will find someone to court tommorow i will force this boy to love me...

a/n first chapter i hope you guys like it it will get more intense and interesting please vote/comment 

The king's groom (larry stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now