twenty four

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Harry's p.o.v

Louis didn't say a word to me while we were in the carriage it was as if he was blaming me for niall having sex with me! maybe he was just moody becuase of his headaches.

'So do you do you think it will be a boy or girl?' i asked during the journey to the lab

'I.dont.know.harry,' Louis said his head was hurtign so much

'oh babe do you need a hug,' i said

'please harry just leave me alone for a second,' he said he was irratable he held his head against an icepack.

i sighed and looked over to the scenary excited about being a father.

'It will only be a few more hours then niall will make you free of lucas and we all will be safe,' i smiled

i must admit i was quite annoying i could never imagine how much pain Louis was going through and my annoying voice probably didn't help.

finally after a long silent ride we reached the lab i was buzzing with excitment, Louis smiled at me it was a smile which told me maybe he was sorry.

He held my hand and we finally go to the lab room, the doctor smiled at us.

'Welcome welcome you guys are just a bit early so just wait about 20 minutes and your baby will be ready,' 

we nodded and sat down. finally after long 20 minutes we were called back into the lab.

'Hello King Louis and Harry, we are happy to announce that your baby is a....boy,'

'A boy?! thats wonderfull,' i shrieked, Louis was really excited also. we smiled at each other. 

tears were brought to my eyes as i saw my baby lying in the incubator. me and louis lovingly carried the small baby in our hands.

'Hes so tiny,' i said rocking the baby up and forth. 

'hes beautiful,' Louis said through tears.

we phoned everyone and they all congratulated us and everyone was so happy, my baby was beautiful he was so cute and he had louis' blue eyes and my dimples we saw them flash when he stirred in his sleep.

I carried my beautiful baby back into the carriage and i rocked him back and forth.

'Hi i am your daddyy,' i purred

'Hello im your  daddy also,' Louis smiled

we played with our boy's tiny hands for a bit before he started crying and i quickly fed him milk as i was doing it i had never felt so content and loved i knew there would be nothing that i would love more than this baby and louis.

Louis screamed while i was in the carrigae his headache was excrutiating. 

'Lucas doesn't like you being nice to our baby,' Louis said

'Well he better get used to it,' i growled, noone could deny me from loving my baby. 

when we returned i placed our baby in the crib and before niall would eliminate Lucas me and Louis stared over at our lovely baby with pride and compassion,

'Have you been thinking of names?' louis asked me while stroking my back

'I dont have any ideas to be honest how about you?' i asked

'Hmm...i like the name Charlie?' Louis said

i smiled at my baby stirring in his sleep.

'He lookes like a charlie,' i smiled

'So charlie it is??' Louis asked hopefully

I nodded 'yes,' 

'Charlie Tomlinson welcome to the world,' i said.

We were reluctant to leave our baby but we had to, this was finally it finally Louis would be free of Lucas finally we would be safe and we would live happily.

Louis told me that he was planning for me and i and charlie to lie in a cottage near the sea i loved the idea we were planning to move the next weekend, i couldn't wait this palace held too many scary memories. 

Niall sat there he had witches tools and all sorts of medicines and potions and they were green Louis looked mortified, but now i knew Lucas would be gone very soon. 

'He's fighting, he realises he doesn't want to be destroyed,' Louis says through clenched teeth

'well he will be destroyed,' i said

'Well....' Niall said

my eyes shot to Niall 'What the fuck do you mean Well?' 

i knew it he was all bullshit he didn't mean a word he was talking about i was annoyed and angry. though i let him explain.

 'Look i cannot get rid of lucas its impossible its like energy it can only be transferred and not created or destroyed it can only be destroyed if Lucas inherits into a mind which can push him away before it makes a home there,' 

'So what are you saying?' i asked

'I am saying that when i get rid of lucas from Louis he will look for another mind to inherit into it will be one from this palace definatly but its alright becaues he wont inherit any mind because everyone would realise that they may be invaded by him and be tolerant to him so its fine he will destroy himself as everyone knows abotu him we have to warn everyone in the palce to push off any foriegn mind sets they feel coming,' Niall said

'Okay,' i nodded

before Louis began to procedure to eliminate lucas we held a meeting with all the palace workers and everyone to tell them to be tolerant. once they all knew we were all safe. 

Then Niall sat us down and Louis drank the green potion and blue tablet he vomited a few times but then Niall said Lucas was gone and would soon enough be elmiinated as soon as Lucas was gone i saw Louis in a different light i had never seen him without Lucas. He was happier and less stressed and kinder i liked it and i felt so happy for him finally we were free! or so we thought. 

When me and Louis and charlie moved into the cottage a few days later we noticed Charlie's screams being louder, the cottage was a nice peaceful place and we thought babies were supposed to be this loud. Charlie also cried alot i presumed it was just colic which was somethin most babies suffered from. 

i rocked him back and forth and put on my baby voice and Louis massaged his stomach. nearly every day we had visitors who had gfts for Charlie congrtaulatiings us on our beautiful baby and i am not going to lie he was beautiful. 

Then one night in the cottage after we had a guest over who brought us a massive panda teddy which to be honest would take up majority of the cottage, we were gettign ready to sleep when i wnt to the bathroom and all the wall written was

'YOU WILL NEVER BE FREE OF ME i am always here,' 

 A/N NGL writing this chapter scared the shit outta me :S

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