twenty one

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harry's p.o.v

i was shocked. 

'Louis?' i whimpered

'Louis isn't here,' Louis/Lucas said 

Louis or Lucas whoever this person was pushed me onto the bed and i closed my eyes this was too wierd to be real i was dreaming i had to be dreaming but when i opened my eyes Lucas was still staring at me with lust in his eyes licking his lips.

'You my dear are going to help me kill Louis so me and you can be together,' Lucas said licking his lips

'You are Louis by killing him you will kill yourself!' i said

'Not necerssarily,' Lucas said

'What have you done to lottie,' i shouted 

lucas chuckled.

'Sweet innocnet girls are the easiest to frighten,' he said

'Who are you! why are you in Louis' body why isn't Louis able to hear me?' i asked

'if i told you all this you wouldn't do what i say and you wont kill Louis,' Lucas said

'I am not going to kill my own husband!' i shouted, Lucas was still pinning me down.

'Wrong answer,' he scowled and slapped me.

'How did you come where is Louis now?' i asked

'At the back of my mind,' lucas said 'He thinks he is sleeping, seems like Louis doesn't have memory problems no its just been me taking his place all this time,' 

'How how did you come?' i whimpered

Lucas chuckled. 

'Now i cant tell you that Harry or you will know how to get rid of me,' Lucas said 

'You aren't a real person you are just a mind set,' i shouted

'you know nothing Harry as soon as i kill louis i will get his body and you will be mine,' Lucas scowled

'You will never get rid of him! my boobear is too strong!' i shouted]

Lucas chuckled again 'its cute how you think he is strong, but he is fading his headaches are getting more frequent so really he is gettign weaker and weaker and soon he will dissapear forever

'Never!' i shouted

Lucas loosened his grip on me and i took that chance and i ran out of the room, my heart was thumping as i saw Lucas following me looking angrier than ever. Lucas seemed to have more control over Louis' legs more than Louis did himself as Lucas was much faster.

I ran for my life, i had never been so scared no wonder Lottie left Lucas was horrible to her and probably threatened her to kill her own brother but what i didn't get was wasn't killing Louis killing Lucas?

'You may run but you can never hide!' i heard Lucas chant in his spine chilling tone that made me so scared i heard his thump behind me as i frantically looked for a place to hide. 

Me and Lucas were in a game of tag, a game that it was vital for me to win. 

'im coming to get you harry i am coming to get you,' Lucas chanted around the palace i had never been so scared his voice trailed so scarily with a hint of patroniceing. 

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