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Louis p.o.v

okay i am a bit protective over Harry but not enough to kill a kitten it has been 2 days since that incident and Harry has kinda let it go. Though my headaches are more frequent and Lottie is scared about them.

'Why do you keep having headaches?' She asked me worridly while putting an ice pack across my head. Harry was looking at me with his cute eyes with worry and was stroking my hand. 

'I dont know they should go soon hopefully,' I shrugged

'Do you have one now?' she asked

'No i only really get them when i get angry,' i shrugged

Lottie gulped when i said that. Harry came to hug me and kiss me on the forehead he was very obdient he loved me no matter what i supposdly did. He didn't hold grudges and now he kissed me whenever i aksed him to. 

'Your wedding is soon that should be exciting,' Lottie said

'I'm very excited,' i said holding Harry's hand. I was a bit unsure why everytime Niall came into the room Harry frowned and looked unsure. My plan had worked and getting Harry to fall in love with me was easier than expected he was a naive little boy who would fall in love with anyone who showed him compassion i know he missed his family though he hardly complained because he knew it annoyed me. 

He wasn't so difficult because he knows i show him love and devotion. He loves me and he told me last night that he had completly fallen for me and i was happy because that is all i wanted i couldn't wait ofr us to be married and to spend the rest of our life together.

When me and Harry walked together through the gardens he kept saying.

'It really hurts ouch louis,' he said 'its kinda your fault?'

how was it my fault that his leg hurts?

'Yesterday night you hurt me,' Harry said

i frowned how could that be possible? i was asleep from 5pm till 11pm because of my headache when i returned to my bedroom Harry was asleep on the bed??

Tonight was the night i was planning to have sex with harry for the first time, hopefully things would all go my way i don't want to force anything on him though he said he loved me so hopefully he would want to. 

I smiled as Harry skipped around the gardens following butterfiles he was absolutley precious. 

'Hey Harry,' i smiled 

'Hi,' he said 

'Can i talk to you for a minute?' i asked, i find it wierd how everytime i look at Harry i find myself drooling. 

'Sure is it about the wedding?' Harry asked

all morning me and Harry had been discussing things from the wedding the only thing he didn't like was that none of his family were invited because of an old rule which states none of the poor provinces people were allowed to enter the rich province. I didn't like the rule but i had to keep tradition. 

'Not exactly,' i said 

i wanted to make Harry's first time special. So i organised a dinner which would hopefully follow on with sex. 

'Meet me tonight in the gardens for dinner?' i asked

'yes i would love to,' Harry said smiling Though i saw his eyes seemed distraught less innocenct. and he was walking with a limp

'You okay?' i asked

he shrugged 'it kinda hurt last night,' 

i was so confused. 

'What did i do to make it hurt?' i asked

'I think you know,' he said and raised his eyebrow. i was so confused!!

that night harry came downstairs, Harry still had the glistening sparkle in his eye just the innocence wasn't there. 

'Thank you for organsiing this dinner its beautiful whats to celebrate?' Harry asked while joining me and sitting down next to me. 

There were lights hung on so many trees and it kinda looked magical. It was so nice just the two of us. Harry had dressed nicely for the occasion he wore a suit. 

we leaned in for a kiss. 

'Well Harry i was just wondering,' i said twiddling my thumbs. I smiled at him i know his heart melts whenever i smile at him with the crinkles on my eyes. 

'You do love me right?' i asked

'Of course,' he said holding my hands

'Well after dinner would you like to go to the bedroom and well would you like to have sex with me for the first time i know you are young and all but would you like to?' i asked while twiddling my thumbs. 

He looked so confused 'Louis i am not a virgin anymore,' he said

'What? i thought you said you were when i bought you!' i said shocked

'I was then but yesterday night we both had sex... thats why my legs are hurting what are yout alking about last night we both had sex you took my virginity last night,' 

What the fuck? i definatly was asleep that whole evening what was he talking about i would have remembered very well my first time with harry?! 

'You took my virginity last night we had sex ,' Harry said once again 

how could i not remeber that? i wouldn't have taken harry's virginity without taking him to dinner first. 

What the hell happneed last night? because i am pretty sure i did not have sex last night with Harry....and if i didn't who did? and why does Harry think that i did?

a/n cliffhanggerrrr vote/comment sorry for the short chapter!! 

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