twenty five

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'come on baby charlie lets go get your nappy changed,' i  cooed into my baby's ear he hadn't stopped crying for a long time i was starting to worried, i hadn't seen harry but the cottage was quite big he was probably relaxing somewhere. 

i found out that you know that wardrobe that harry could open i couldn't because i lost the key, lucas had been hididng it from me he knew where it was and opened it occasionally and that is why i found it almost immediatly when lucas left. 

I changed Charlie's nappy and when i went to throw the old nappy away i came back and saw my baby glaring at me and frowning as if he had some inner hartred i gulped a small baby actually looked a bit scart like this. 

he glared at me as i wnet to get his toy, i am pretty sure i saw him scowl. he must just be tired i thought so i lay him down. 

i would never understand baby, i turned on charlie's moblie which made the music of  a old nursery rhyme and i left the moblie on as I went out to find harry it took me ages to find him, i saw harry in a corridor by the bathroom looking at me terrified. 

'Lucas is not gone,' he whispered low tone

'Yes ofcourse he is niall got him out!' i protested

harry looked at me with fear in his eyes. 

'Lucas is in charlie, charlie wasn't able to resist i cnanot believe we couldn't see this coming,' Harry said tears streaming down his face. 

i stared at harry wide eyed. 

'Where is Charlie?' Harry gasped

'I left him in his nursery to sleep,' i said scratching my head

'Oh....oh no,' Harry gulped. 

we ran through the cottage and as we ran through the cottage the lights started flickering.

'Louis louis what do i do i am scared terrified i love charlie,' harry said 

i gulped the whole flickering like business was scaring me, harry was used to it. i gapsed and almost had a heart attack when some doors flung open andsome creakily shut. 

the corridor seemed never ending we finally went to the nursery and me and harry gasped at the sight we saw. 

the nursery was dull and the wallpaper had been ripped off.  The creepy mobile was still playing the creepy nursery rhyme and started to go slower and slower and i was scared to what would happen when it stopped and suddenly it did stop and nothing happened there was just an eery silence. 

the teddy bears' heads had been ripped off and they looked terrifying. 

'How could a one week year old baby do this?' harry said

'Its lucas controlling him he has no idea of anything,' i said

'He's not here!' Harry gasped as he looked over in the cot. 

tears produced in hary's eyes/ 

'my baby,' he whimpered

tears formed into his eyes while i tried not to panic.

eveyrthign about my life was frightening and frighfull this was all my fault it was all my fault that lucas was created. now poor charlie had to suffer. 

'We have to find him he can't have gotton too far,' i said frantically. 

'Hurry'!' harry shouted he was fretting 

we ran into the village square of our cottage, it had a spooky atmosphere as it was night and the village wasn't important enough to have many street lamps so there was one which shadowed the entire village square making everything in it look like ghosts. 

'CHARLIE!' we screamed but we were the only sound throughout the village


the girls boarding school was situated ontop of the village it was a strict boarding school and was for children age 8 - 18.  Louis and Harry could see the boarding school from their cottage it wasn't far away. 

the 8 year old girls were finding it hard to fit in and were also very home sick the teachers and matrons of the boarding school thought this would lead to psycological effects but miss clover didn't expect Lilly Cartwright a blonde short girl to be this spooked out by the whole boarding experiance this was worrying. 

'Lilly dear why did you cut off the dolls heads off?' Miss clover said worried sitting next to Lilly who was staring absently into the boarding room with her pjamas on and her scissors on hand, miss clover was worried because she seemed distracted as if she was seeing something she didn't..  

'Lucas told me too,' Lilly shrugged 

'Lucas? there are no boys here Lilly,' Miss clover said 

Lilly didn't answer she just stared into the wall, miss clover was trying to see what Lilly was looking at.

she finally said with a soft voice.

'Lucas isn;t a boy he's a baby,'

this was too odd for miss clover.

'How did Lucas get into you and Josie's room?' Miss clover asked trying to play along though she knew Lilly was making this up. 

'Through the window,'

'Babies can't climb,' Miss clover said quite angrily she was losing her patience.

'This baby could,' Lilly shrugged

'And why did you cut the dolls heads off?' Miss clover asked

'I told you lucas told me too,' Lilly said annoyed 

'Babies can't talk,' 

'this baby could,' 

'Thats it Lilly! i am sick of your stories and lies! we are phoning up your parents!' Miss clover shouted

'Lucas is not a lie...he would be upset if you said that about him,' Lilly shrugged

Miss clover found it odd how Lilly looked almost hypotinsed by this lucas idea. 

'Why would he be upset?' Miss clover asked

'Because he likes you miss clover he thinks you are a sexy mother fucker,' Lilly said producing a grin 

Miss clover gasped.


lilly giggled, miss clover was shook. 

and we all know nothing good can happen when lucas takes a liking to someone.....


'charlie!' we bellowed into the street.

we were calling for ages untill we saw Our small baby lying on the floor outside a boarding school or something smiling wickedly at us.

Harry ran to pick him up.

'Be careful harry,' 

'hes a baby!' harry said

but harry gasped as he picked him up and almost dropped the baby

'whats wrong!' i frantically said

'charlie is pointing a knife towards me,' harry said.....

a/n im warnign you there is only going to be one or two chapters left of this book im sorry! probably one though xx please vote/comment and i hope you like it!! sorry if its bad!

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