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Louis P.O.V

by the next day i forgot all about me not rembering imprisoning Zayn but i didn't let him go i thought it would be better to keep him in the palace dungeons, i know it was wrong to keep a man in jail without any real reason but i know if he is freed he will think of a way of stealing Harry away from me and I can't let that happen. 

I wasn't bad to him, i kept him in the cell and visited him daily without Harry knowing he was in the palace. I didn't say much to him and he didn't say anything to me he just sat bored out of his mind. When i visited him it was usually just to give him his meals. On the third day of his imprisonment i gave him a televison he didn't say anything but as I left he said.

'Evil motherfucker,' 

i sighed, i did not summon him to be imprisoned i would have definatly remembered that for sure so why did everyone think I did? 

Harry skipped down to me and planted a kiss on my lips and giggled and my suprised expression. I led him to the living room and sat him down. 

'Our wedding is tommorow Harry,' i said, he looked shocked it was such late-notice it was unbeliveble but i had only found out recently aswell. 

'Oh,' he said 

he looked nervous and i hugged him 'dont worry Harry you want to do this right?' 

'yes,' he said

i smiled at him.

'You will look absolutley gorgeous in a tuxedo,' I said winking at me, he blushed. Then Harry looked down as if something was bothering him, he played with his hands. 

'Whats wrong honey?' i said

he began to cry and i rubbed his back

'Harry woah baby are you okay?' i said

he sniffled and wiped his tears and i held his head by my shoulder. 

'Please tell me what is wrong Harry,' i said

'i can't tell you Louis! or you will hurt me,' he weeped

'just tell me i promise i wont hurt you,' i said trying to calm myself so i was ready to hear anything i bet Harry would tell me that he didn't really love me. 

I closed my eyes ready to hear words that i was sure were going to cut like knives. Harry breathed. I had to concerntrate to not let my anger get over me, i cleared my mind i imagined a happy place like when me and Harry were cuddling together in the bed.

'I do love you Louis but a part of me feels bad for Zayn.. What happens if he loves me i feel so bad!' Harry said

My heart sank and it took everything in me not to explode it took so much concerntration it hurt it felt my mind was battling with some angry thing but what angry thing? I saw Harry's scared expression as he saw me trying to stop my inner incredible hulk came out why was it so hard for me to control my anger it never used to be this hard, ever since Eleanor....but i can't start thinking about that can I? or I will start crying and wont be able to stop.

up tot this bit i always thought Harry would never hurt me the way Eleanor did, he's way to innocent but now he's mentioned Zayn for the first time all my worries have come back. What happens if he does what eleanor did? i don't know if my heart can handle it expecially with Harry as he seems to love me so much. 

My voice got very stern suddenly and i couldn't control its sterness why couldn't i control it? why couldn't i let my voice sound friendly so i wouldn't scare Harry. 

'Stop thinking about him,' i said

'Why?' Harry asked

'because he doesn't love you he has made no effort whatsover to come and get you he never said he loves you or has shown any love towards you so don't be fooled he probably doesn't care about you like I do, he's just sitting in the village not caring about you not being there heck i bet he's moved on,' I said

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