eight part 1

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Harry's p.o.v 

'Harry darling go put on your overcoat we are going out,' Louis instructed

the air was chilly and though it was a miserable day I was excited about going outside i hadn't been outside the palace in days. I couldn't wait for a change of scenery.

Louis actually allowed me to go upstairs by myself. I took the coat and I saw Lottie in the doorway.

'Where did you see Lucas?' She asked

'I didn't see him i heard him,' I said

She sighed in relief

'Who is he?' I asked

'Not many people know about him only i do because i was there the day...' she trailed off, 

'Who is he?' i asked again

'If you ever hear the name Lucas or if anyone addresses themself as Lucas no matter who they are no matter if you know them if they say their name is Lucas you have to run and hide. Lucas is not safe he's dangerous and he's angry,' Lottie said

'Does Louis know about Lucas?' i asked

She sighed 'no he doesn't. Lucas is dangerous and possesive and evil remember what i said if anyone address themselves as Lucas you better run,' 

'He didn't seem mean when he tucked me into bed,' I said

'Just listen to me harry okay?' she said

'You definatly haven't seen his face right?' she said

'no i haven't,' i said

'good,' she breathed

i nodded. I wondered how only Lottie knew about Lucas. Though i was terrified i knew there was one advantage of Louis being so overly protective, he would keep me safe. well so i hoped?

'Harry are you ready?!' Louis called from downstairs

'I better go,' Lottie said 'harry please be careful i dont want you getting hurt like eleanor was,' 

she sighed and looked down with sadness at the sound of that name

'What happened to Eleanor? has it anything to do with Louis?' i asked

she looked at me 'It had nothing to do with Louis at all technically,' 

'HARRY!' i heard Louis call one more time.

'Before you leave please know this palace is never safe it's basically the most dangerous place ever and if you get the chance run as far away from here as possible,' Lottie said

then she ran off. 

'But i don't mind it here,' i murmered. i never thought i would say that. 

~ ~ ~  ~ 

Louis took my hand and we took a carriage to the village. 

'Do you like it here with me?' he asked

'Yes i do,' i said

'Great,' he smiled 'i am glad you have finally adjusted,' 

the village was great it was a nice remote village full of rich people everyone was so kind and nice though the atompshere in the village was a different one the tension made it seem scary and quiet and ghostly almost as if everyone in the village had something to hide. 

The king's groom (larry stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now