Chapter 6- Ethan's Motorcycle

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Amber's P.O.V.- 

It had been a week since she had gone to Evan's with Ethan. She remembered falling asleep on Evan's couch and then the next thing she knew she was waking up in her own bed the next morning. Ethan had apparently brought her home and put her to bed. She was surprised he was able to accomplish that without waking her up. Usually if anyone touches her in her sleep she instantly wakes up and freaks out. 

She was now sitting at the bar in the kitchen working on her English homework. She didn't know why she had to take English for her Art Major. It's not like she was going to be writing any papers during her career. She hated English. She never understood the concepts of grammar. It frustrated her to no end. But she would pass this class if it was the last thing she did. She was just glad she only had to take one English class. 

Throwing down her pen, she stood up and went to the fridge. She couldn't concentrate. She grabbed a bottle of water and a cup of yogurt. Grabbing a spoon out of the drawer, she hopped up on the counter. Lucca would freak about her sitting on the counter, but he wasn't here. He was at the store getting food. Nick was outside cleaning his truck. He has been complaining all week that I had gotten it dirty. To me it just looked like I got a bit of dust on it. He is so paranoid about his truck. And I don't know where Micca and Ethan were. 

Taking a bit of yogurt, she thought about the last week. 

She had woken up the next morning. She was still dressed except her shoes. Her sketch book was tossed on her desk Nick had moved in her room and her bag was in the chair of her desk. She assumed Ethan had hung her coat up in the hall closet. 

On the foot of her bed was a white box. Sitting up she pulled it to her. On the top was a note tapped to it. 


Take it, trade for the cross.


She sat the note aside, took a deep breath. She didn't know if she wanted a gift from Ethan. It's not like she had drawn the cross for him. She had just been doodling. She didn't feel like he owed her anything for it, but she knew that if she didn't at least look at what he had gotten her, he would be upset. 

So slowly she opened the box. Inside was white tissue paper, unfolding it she revealed something black made of leather. Slowly pulling it out she realized it was a leather jacket. It matched Ethan's only smaller. She pulled it to her face and smelled it. It smelled good but it was missing something. 

It had taken her almost three days to get up the nerve to even wear it. But it was cold, and she hated her coat, so she decided she would just accept it and wear it. It took her almost two more days to realize the scent that was missing was Ethan. 

It took her that long because she hadn't seen him at all since that night. It didn't matter how long she tried to stay awake each night so she could thank him, he never came home before she finally fell asleep. It almost made her feel like he was avoiding him. 

It was two days later, and she still hadn't seen him. It was a Saturday, and he was supposed to be off work, but she had heard his bike start about six this morning and he hadn't been back. 

She glanced at the clock on the wall as she jumped off the counter. 3 p.m. She had better get back to her homework. She had to be to work in two hours. Tossing her yogurt cartoon in the trash, she put the spoon in the sink, grabbed her water bottle, she settled back into her bar stool and got back to work.

At 4:30 she packed all her homework up and took it back to her room. She changed into her work uniform and grabbed her jacket and phone. She didn't bother taking her bag with her. She knew it was safe to leave here. They boys wouldn't go in her room, and they didn't let anyone in the house anymore. Not since a couple of their friends had shown up without her realizing and she had freaked out when she had wandered into the living room looking for Nick. 

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