Chapter 4-

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Today is a terrible day. Mom, Zoey, and I are heading to the airport to leave Philadelphia for good, and I can't stop ticcing. I'm having a terrible tic day, and it's on a terrible day. There are some days that stand out as being bad and more tic-y when you have Tourette's. Today is one of those days. I can't concentrate on anything. When I was younger I used to get distracted in school and in general because of my Tourette's, but that's gone down a good amount. I normally don't like to talk about my Tourette's because I like to act like it isn't even there. But today is different. Because today I am emotionally drained, so today is one of those days. Those days where you can't catch your breath or stop and look around because all your energy is overtaken.
It's one of those days where I hold on to my doctor note, but that's also because we are going through security at the airport, and they need to know 'what my deal is'. Mom knows I don't like to talk about it, so she leaves the note in her bedroom on top of the dresser . When I need it, I take it. No questions asked.
"We're almost there, kiddies. It will be alright." Mom comforts us, but particularly me..
I may be the athlete of the family, but it's hard to keep up when I have to constantly stop to drag my feet against the ground.
"I love you, Asher." Zoey whispers.
"I love you too. We will get through this." I nod, and of course I shake a few times right after.
We pass through security, and I manage to get through with only a few stares.
"Now what?" Zoey asks.
"We wait." Mom says matter of  factly.
"Why? Why are we always waiting for everything!" Zoey moans.
I sniff a few times.
"We need to arrive around 2 hours ahead of time." I explain.
Sniff sniff sniff.
Man, people must think I'm a druggy the way I won't stop sniffing.
"Are you holding up alright?" Mom asks concerned.
"Yeah. I'm just kind of..overwhelmed." I explain shyly.
"I know, Scout." Mom looks over sympathetically.
"Are you worried, Zoey?" I ask.
"Mmm, yeah. I hope I make some nice friends who enjoy similar things."
Isn't that what we all really want?
I nod.
Sniff sniff...
Cough cough cough...
This is EXHAUSTING me!!!
I try to rest my head on the seat...
"Asher! They called our flight, let's go!"
We head on line to the plane and I literally CANNOT STOP TICCING!!
Sniff sniff  sniff. Blink blink...
Oh my goodness....
"Boarding pass?" A stewardess asks with a smile.
"Yes, here you are."
"Sienna, what a pretty name you have!" She compliments my mom.
"Oh, thank you." My mom smiles.
Mom looks left and right and then whispers to the woman just loud enough for me to hear.
"Can we board early when you call for passengers with disabilities? My son is a little stressed so his Tourette Syndrome is kind of acting up today.."
"Oh of course!" The stewardess says compassionately.
"I'm Mel if you need to find me!"
"Thank you, Mel."

As soon as we board the plane, and it's nice and quiet because it is pretty much empty when we enter.
Now I can finally sleep....


"Why are you traveling with such a sick kid?! You want to spread germs to the rest of us?!" I hear a woman with a southern accent yell.
"He's not sick!" My mom exclaims.
Cough cough sniff sniff
That explains this.....

"Your son has been coughing this entire plane ride!" the woman yells.

"You buy these tickets so far in advance, you think people have the luxury to just forfeit it just for a little  cold?!" An older man yells back. 


No, Zoey!....

"He isn't sick! He can't help it, he has Tourette Syndrome!"

The woman takes a step back.

"Tourette Syndrome?"

"It's a neurological disorder. It's not a big deal, I just make movements and-"

"So now my children are going to start doing that too!"

Oh my goodness....I've never been involved in a scene like this in my life! This is so strange, and these people are so ignorant.

"It isn't contagious, Ma'am." Mom shakes her head in disapproval.

"Yes, I know of several children who have the condition." A younger guy with a New York accent adds.

"Well, they're discovering new things everyday. Who's to say my children aren't going to try to imitate that kid's behavior?!" if I am disobedient or something.

"Lady! If you have an issue with my child just walk out!"

All of a sudden, Mel walks over to the woman.

"It is time to exit the aircraft. I'm going to ask you to exit first."

Thank goodness!!!

This is just super strange for me since before I left, Tourette's really was not such a huge part of everyday living. Now the moment I leave town I, one , have a really bad tic day, and two, am borderline discriminated against as a result! This kind of sucks....

Right after we exit, Mom has a car waiting for us which she pre-bought. Like how most people use a rent-a-car service, but we are keeping it since we don't have a car here in Ohio.

"So, this is Ohio." Mom states matter of factly as she drives us to our new home.

"Yep." I say.

"I don't know if I like it. I guess I'll give it a chance."



"Yes, Asher Honey?"

"Is our, safe? Like,..I don't really know how to explain it, but my friends back in Pennsylvania warned me about this new place. How everything will be different and all."

"Well, different isn't necessarily bad, Sweetie."

"Well, yeah..It's not, but they were trying to warn me that the boys here won't want me to play basketball with me. Or that the kids won't accept my Tourette's the way my friends always have." I attempt to seek reassurance.

"But I just kept thinking you would never bring us to a place like that."

Mom's response surprises me.

"Well, I don't know. It might be a place like that. Look how that woman reacted to you on the airplane. It's a small town we are off too. They aren't as used to changes and differences as city people like us are." 

Oh no...

"Don't worry, Asher. I'll protect you in school...and everywhere else too." Zoey replies.

OH NO.........

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