Chapter 26-

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"You're in some real deep doo doo."
"Uh..I'll be back." I tell Aly.
I put my phone back to my ear and walk outside the school.
"Excuse me? What are you talking about, Evan?"
"Your mom called me. ME of all people to find out what is up with you! And I'm all the way back home! Like Dude! I don't know what you did this time man, but your mom sounded PISSED!"
"What I did?..I'm at a Halloween dance at my school and..."
"Well apparently your mom is not happy about that." Evan tells me as I put the pieces together in my mind.
"Shit." Is all I can manage to utter.
"Deep shit man. Your mom is home and your sister is at a friend's and she has no idea where you are."
"She was supposed to be out of town!"
"Rookie mistake, Bitch!" Evan laughs.
"Evan! It's not funny! I'm...I am kind of getting some action right now."
Evan bursts into laughter.
"Really dude?"
"Wait until I tell Mia!"
"Do not tell-Mia..."
Completely forgot about her.
And to think Mia never made the time for me, meanwhile Aly's duty from day one was to support me here.
"Well, I don't know what to tell you now, Dude. But all I know is I would get my ass home if I were you. Better to get the beating sooner than later!"
"Shut up!"
"Aren't you glad I warned ya?"
"Well now you're never going to let this shit go!"
"Screw you! Later Eh von!"
"Laters, Ah share!!"
That little weasel... he may of just saved my ass but it's pretty classic of him to be all caustic about it.
"Is everything alright?" Aly asks me as I walk back into the gym.
"Of course!" I giggle.
"Asher, you know you can tell me if something is up."
No! Well, yes...yes I could. But no! This is my wonderful night with Al and I am not going to cut it short because I'm the little wuss who gets his wittle self in trouble for friggin going out to a school event!
"Aly, everything is perfect. Could never be better!"
Aly smiles.
"I'm glad. But too bad there's only a half hour left.."
"What! No! I can't go home- I mean I want to be with you!"
Aly lowers her eyebrows.
"Did something happen?" She asks with concern.
"No!" I laugh nervously, blinking a few times.
"Alright. If you say so. Just like you say you're pretty slick with a basketball. Show me a move, Cutie. Let's see if your game is as good as your kiss."
Daaaang girl!!
I narrow my eyes at her.

"Alright. You want moves. I'll give you a move!"
I run into the gym supply closet and snatch a basketball.
"You dribble so fine, Asher!"
"Since when are you this seductive!" I laugh.
"It's Halloween and we can all use a little fun."
I smile as I slam dunk the ball.
Soliddd 👌
"Do you remember when I made fun of you for being a jock?" Aly reminds me.
"Yeah. So?"
"Yeah. It's because I like that you're a jock."
"You are very, very classic." I laugh. "And I love it."
"I like that."
"No. Why am I classic? What makes me classic?"
"I don't know. I guess because you're calling me a jock. Like this isn't the eighties." I laugh
"Oh I don't know." She looks down.
"Come can we go home now?" Aly asks, tugging at my jersey.
"Why do you want to leave so bad? You aren't having fun?"
"No. I just want some alone time."
Ow ow!!!
"Alright." I smile.
We hold hands and walk back outside to Aly's car.

"Thanks." Aly breaks the silence.
"For what?"
"For making me feel special for the first time."
I cock an eyebrow.
"Aly. You don't need to thank me. I'm just being myself.
Wow I sound hella cocky.
Aly shrugs.
"Well in that case thank you for helping me miss Philly a tiny bit less."
Aly smiles.
"You're welcome." She says sternly.
We get to my house, and my stomach drops so I invite Aly to come in.
Grunt grunt wink wink wink.
As soon as I stick my key in the fob, the door slams open.

"Couch. Now." Mom tells me.
"I thought she wasn't home." Aly whispers as we walk to the living room.
"I..I thought so-"
Aly and I are face to face with both our moms.
"We owe them an explanation, Sienna." Aly's mom explains.
"Asher, your mother called me because she didn't know where you were...and she thought you were with Alessa. And I wanted to tell her and you how grateful I am that you're here."
"Your mother and I have gotten to know each other at every single JCC mahjong event, bingo, and PTA meeting, and we had no idea you two knew each other until recently. You really make Aly happy. I can tell by the look in her eyes when she comes home from school. I told your mother to let you two enjoy tonight. You two were meant to be."
I don't say a word, but start ticking a lot again.
Aly looks over at me and puts her arm around me.
"And Aly, thank you for everything you do. Thank you for helping Asher adjust to school."
"Thank you for raising an amazing son." Aly says softly.
"See, they're amazing for each other. You can't break this up just because Asher didn't take a pill!" Aly's mom persuades.
"You're right, Eva.." mom sighs.
"We will discuss this. Right now I have to discuss something else with Asher."
"And we need to get you to bed, missy."
"Ok. See you, Aly. Thank you for everything."
We hug for a while.
"Thank you."
As soon as Aly and her mom leave, my mom stares me down.
"Yes I'm happy for you two, and I may be glad you have each other, but that doesn't mean I'm not disappointed in your behavior."
"What do you mean?"
"Your father and I had a long discussion about you and your teenage boyish changes while I was gone and..."
"Please just say it. I'll do extra chores! I'll help Zoey with homework! It won't happen again."
Mom just shakes her head.
"You're going back to Philly."

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