Chapter 30-

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"I AM SO SORRY!" I hear Zoey in the next room over.
She's been crying ALL. DAY. LONG....
My arm twitches as I open my navy suitcase. Man I love it so much, it's from the basketball team for when we travel. It has my name and number embroidered in.
I try to ignore her.
"Asher it is all my fault! If I never told mom about those pills then we would never have been separated!"
"No, Zo. It's my fault. It's because I didn't agree to the punishment.."
"But there never would have been one of it weren't for me!"
I dart into Zoey's room.
"Zoey, crying isn't making this any easier for both of us. Please stop.."
"But Asher, I want to come to Philly too!"
I look Zo in the eyes.
"Zoey, stay here for mom. Just for a little bit ok? And we will be back together soon. Alright? Even if it's just a week. Mom bought this house for us."
Zoey nods.
We hug for a while and then I am off.
"Bye Mom." I say softly.
"Asher I hope you understand. I think familiarity is what's best for you right now..."
I nod.
"You're right."
We hug for a while too.
"Ok. To the car. Zoey you coming?!"
Zoey walks over with tears streaming.
I'm super scared because I've never taken a plane by myself before..but other than Aly, Philly is where I need to be so let's see how this goes...
"And call me as soon as you land." Mom reminds me again.
"We're here already.." Zoey whines.
We all hug one last time before I leave for good.
And now it is peace out Ohio ✌️
I take a huge sigh.
"Heading to Philadelphia, eh?" The security asks as he checks my ticket.
"Man, I love Philadelphia..."
I smile.
"Born and raised."
He smiles at me.
My eyes scrunch.
"Thank you.."
Man, I will not stop blinking.
I hate flying. Not because I'm afraid of it or anything. Ok maybe a little.
It's because intense situations with tight security REALLY aggravate my TS.
Maybe I should just find somewhere to sit.
It's just super lonely here by myself.
It's just hard to find my way. These blinks are screwing with my vision...
Ugh....I should probably try to sleep.
Who is calling me?...
"Asher you're leaving now aren't you?! Come outside the airport!"
She wants to talk to me?
"Asher I cannot let you leave without saying goodbye..."
I don't board for another 40 minutes.
"Fine." I smile to myself.
I shlep outside and standing right by the main entrance is Aly...
She is standing in the rain waiting for me and let me tell you she looks beautiful.
"Asher..." she says in a way showing a little sympathy but lots of love.
She doesn't say a word, and neither do I. But we both know I am a ticcy disaster.
We just hug and don't say anything at all.
"Don't miss your flight, alright? We'll be back together soon."
"But how can you-"
"Trust me."
I smile.
"See you later, Aly Roth."

Sorry that the past few chapters have been shorter, the next ones will be longer! I have the whole rest of the book planned 😊 fun fact, the Halloween dance was supposed to be the last chapter originally, but I thought of a better ending 😍
And as always THANK YOU for reading. We are more than halfway to 1k and I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!!! The fact that Asher and Aly have fans is INCREDIBLE!!! Thank you thank you THANK YOU!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😀😀😀

PS who is your fave character?! Mine is Asher, but tbh it is super fun writing about Evan too!!!
✌🏻CHAMP613 🏀

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