Chapter 35-

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"Asher, I need to go check if someone is here. I'll meet you back at our table." Mom explains.

We are at the walk now, and every team has a table. Mine has basketball decorations all over and says "The A Team" in big letters along with info about me on a poster board. You know the typical right now: Philly, Basketball, blah blah blah!
It feels kind of weird yet awesome at the same time. As annoying as it can be, I'm proud of my condition because it is a part of who I am and my character. Yet at the same time it's like watching yourself in every person here. Every wink, blink, shake, shrug...that's me. Not that it's a bad thing. That's just how life is, it's just strange to be on the other end of it.
"Yo Ash!"
I swoosh around behind me. There's no better sight than seeing a band of brothers all decked in teal for solidarity and support👌🏻
I truly have the best bros in the world.
"Dudes!" I greet them.
"I have the box of team jerseys." I tell them.
"Thanks, man."
Some guy walks passed and looks at us.
"Nice basketballs."
"This guy is playing for Villanova!" Jerry exclaims as he points to me.
"Nova, eh?! That's impressive!"
"Thanks." I say shyly.
"Woah, Dude! Sick ass jerseys!" Evan exclaims as he opens his up and turns in over to check it out.
"Thanks! I made them."
"For real?!" He looks up at me.
"Well, on customink."
"That's hilarious!"
"Everyone take a jersey!" I laugh. "I have teal face paint too if anyone wants."
"Yo, pass me some oh dat!" Jerry exclaims, sounding all serious.
He legit grabs the box of teal accessories that my sister put together and dumps teal glitter on top of his head.
"Thanks, Man. You really care about Tourette." I laugh.
"You bet, Ashy! I'll wear teal everyday of the week!"
I wink at him, and although it's a tic, it fits the context so perfectly.
"Asher, is your family here?" Evan asks.
"They should be..right over..."
I turn around. I spot Zoey at the sibling support stand and my parents walking around just the two of them...
Ok, weird...
"Yeah they're around I guess."
"Dude, can I pull this off?"
I turn to Jerry who is wearing giant teal sunglasses and a headband with teal antennae.
"To the point where it looks like this is your team. You can be an honorary ticcer." I joke.
"Wait what's that?"
"You know, all kids who have TS have an honorary ticcer. They're that one friend who vicariously has Tourette's and is allowed to tic to make their friend feel good-"
"Dude, you're trolling."
"You bet your ass I am!" I start laughing hysterically.
Oh shoot, some family walks over just as I say that! I blush as I look up at them.
"Very clever name! We are just checking out every table right now." The woman tells me.
"Oh...Hi! Sorry my friends and I act a little silly!" I cover up nervously, grunting after.
"Oh, stop! Boys will be boys! We love your table! Our younger son loves your table!"
I smile.
"Thank you..."
"This kid is playing for Villanova next year!" Jerry announces again.
Really dude?!
Like of course I'm proud and all, but it's a little uncomfortable to be swarmed with attention and compliments.
"Wow! That's awesome!"
"Thank you..." I sniff a few times.
"So I'm assuming you're the one who has Tourette?"
"Yep. That would be me!"
"See, Chris? He's just like anybody else...Well thank you, Asher. We will see you around!"
Just like anybody else...I don't know why that's resonating so much. I guess because in the past I felt so much like "anybody else" that I never even thought to coin it that. I just...was. I just happened to blink, and wink, and cough, and shake, a bit more than usual. But in Ohio, sure at times I still felt like anybody else, but I was just like anybody plus all this baggage. My whole crazy life right now just puts it all into perspective....
"You good Ashy?"
"You were staring out."
"Oh...yeah I'm cool." I smile.
I feel a tap on my shoulder.
"Hey!" I hug my cousins, Chad and Justin.
"We are Team Asher today and Team Justin next week!"
"Aw sweet! These are my teammates..these are my cousins, Chad and Justin."
Justin starts squeaking.
I really hope I don't pick up any more new tics...

"There you are!" Mom calls to me.
"I've been at our table this entire time!"
"Ok! Well it's time to line up with the team! Lets go!"
"Ok, A Team, lets go!" I project to my friends.
We all briskly walk to the turf where we are starting.
"Are any girls part of this team?" Luke, our thirsty friend asks.
Some of the guys stare at him judgmentally.
"Wait, yeah! Where is the rest of the team?!" Zoey exclaims.
"Zoeeeey!!! Aye!!" A few guys greet her. She looks pretty swaggy too in teal leggings and a teal hair bow.
"They should be right...behind over there."
I turn around...
She runs into my arms.
"Come let's go talk over there."
"Asher! It's starting soon!"
I ignore my mom and drag Aly behind this tree near my table.
" came! You're here!"
"We wanted to surprise you."  Aly explains, playing with her hair.
"So you aren't mad at me?.." I say softly.
"Asher...I was only mad because I was selfish about missing you too much. That was very immature and wrong of me."
"Aly Roth, we all are allowed to be immature. Even you."
She smiles.
"I'm just so happy and grateful that you came out here for me. You've even got the teal! And I guess my mom gave you a jersey."
"Yeah! This is really adorable!"
"Thanks.."I say as my neck twitches.
"ASHER! ALY!! GET BACK HERE!" Mom calls over.
"Ok..we should go. I kind of wanted to ask-"
I roll my eyes.
"Let's go.." I tell Aly as I crouch down.
"Hop on!"
Aly hops on me for a piggyback ride.
"Here comes relationship goals now!" Jerry kids.
"Jerry, you've already surpassed your sarcasm quota!"
I smile and wave to the people on the sidelines.
This is a casual walk, so everyone walks the whole 5k at their own pace and there's no "winner", just tons of fundraising.
I put Aly down and we start to walk.
"Aly, this is my basketball team...and team, this is Aly."
"Ayeee!" Evan exclaims.
"Oh you're Asher's best friend right?"
"Yep! I remember you!" Evan says.
"Did anyone come with you?" I ask.
"Yeah, my parents and brother all came. My mom is over...there..."
I turn my head and Eva is talking to someone at a special education support stand.
Where are my...oh gosh.
"Yo, Zo!" I call to Zoey.
I point to our parents who are holding hands and walking together up ahead.
"What the..."
I raise my eye brows.
Chad hits my arm
"Dude aren't they?..." he points to my parents.
"Yeah, yeah...I know.."
"Uh, my mom is calling me...I'll be back in a few, ok Cutie?"

She called me Cutie?!!!

Aly runs off.
"So you did know that girl, Cutie!"
"Shut up, Chapped Lips!"
I stick out my tongue.
"Real mature!"
"It's a tic!" I laugh.
"And that's a tic too, isn't it?" Chad says slyly.
"Look at your parents..."
Oh dear lord....
My split parents are sitting on the sidelines making out at a fundraiser for my medical condition. What a lovely lovely sight we have here...
Obviously, I'm kind of happy. It's just such an awkwardly interesting sight..
"I guess you went to Ohio for nothing."
"Well, technically yes...oh you don't know yet. I'm playing for Villanova. Now I have to come back to Philly."
"You're playing for Nova?!" Chad exclaims.
"Yeah... I am getting recruited."
"D1 baby!"
"That's awesome man! As a junior?! You're amazing!"
"Thanks, man."
"I am really proud of you. Especially with Tourette's?! I live with it too with Justin, and I know it's not easy. Not just physically but the discrimination, the're doing big things man. You don't let anything or anyone stop you. I really admire you for that."
I smile.
"Thank you so much, ChaCha."
"Of course. I mean it, Asher."

By the end of the walk, my parents motion for Zoey and I to come over.
"What?" Zoey asks them.
"We were just thinking...Asher should really be back in Philly for basketball. And we don't want to separate the family even more." Mom explains.
"You kids really aren't happy in Ohio huh? Mom and I are able to put our differences aside for everyone to move back into our apartment. We did a lot of talking today and realized a lot of our disagreements were very silly. We are calling off the divorce.."
"So we are coming back to Philadelphia?! No more Ohio?! Mom and Dad back together?! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!" Zoey exclaims with tears in her eyes.
"Thank you..." I moan softly.
We all hug into a sea of teal. This is the best day of my life..
"Asher!" I hear in the distance.
"Go back to your friends." Dad whispers.
I jog over.
"Alygirl..." I say with a smile.
"I missed you so much."
We hold hands.
"I'm so glad you came for this." I say sincerely.
"It's all because your mom invited us. I'm glad we were able to surprise you."
"I'm glad too..."
We walk around the outside perimeter of the field.
"So what now?...Are you ever coming back to Ohio?"
"Well...I've got some news for you."
"What do you mean now?"
"I...I'm playing for Villanova Basketball 2022."
Aly looks up at me in disbelief.
"What?! That's awesome! I am so proud of you, Asher!"
Aly hugs me tight.
"Thank you.." I say softly.
Aly looks down and smiles at the ground.
"What are you smiling about?" I ask.
"Well...I just had a long conversation with my mom and..well she thinks the education program is much better here. She just found out about a really great private special education school at the special ed table for Josh that's here and Philly..So I guess Philadelphia it is for us too?"
"For real?!"
"I don't know when, but my mom sounded pretty sure this is happening. So Philly here I come!"
I look over my shoulder and spot my parents, looking happier than I've ever seen them together.
"Philly it is for me too. I don't want to leave this place anytime soon. It's too hard to say goodbye to this city.."
"But it's so easy to say hello..." Aly smiles.
"You'll love Philly, Aly. Just as much as I do. And I cannot wait to continue exploring every inch of it with you! You know what else I would love?"
"What's that?.."
I start ticcing bad because I'm so nervous...
"So I've been thinking about this for a while..and well..will you...will you be my girlfriend?.."
Aly's whole face lights up.
"I thought you'd never ask!"
She hugs me for a while and then we have our second kiss.
"I take that as a yes?..." I mumble.
"I've never been more yes in my whole life. Yes, Asher Joel Westman. Yes yes yes..."

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