Chapter 11-

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It's now Saturday night and I just completed a crap load of studying. What better way to celebrate then to shoot hoops.
Mom is feeling a little stressed with the holiday coming up, Zoey's getting a little annoying, and I guess the cabin fever is getting to me at best..
Pretend to not hear her? I think yes..😏😏
I'm sorry, I'm not a bad kid or a bad son I just really don't feel like cleaning!!
Man, I feel so fly right now dribbling this ball down to the court. My hair is spiked up neatly this time, with maybe a few loose strands, and I'm wearing maroon Michael Jordan shorts with my "Always Reppin' V" shirt and flights with neon orange socks..
But something feels different this time when I enter the court. I spot Todd, but he is alone, and he doesn't greet me..
I dribble over to the hoop he is at and start to shoot.
But he continues to ignore me.
"Getting ready for the season, huh?" I ask in a friendly tone.
A scowl grows on his face as he dribbles away.
"Coach may like you. Means shit to me."
I take a step back.
"I know coach wants you on the team, you're not trying out."
"Well...I uh c-can't try out on Wednesday but-"
"Oh I'm not even talking about THAT!"
"Dude, why are you so angry at me?" I ask.
"I know what you said about Maya."
"What did I say about Maya?" I ask.
"Stop playing stupid, you freak."
My blood starts to really boil.
"You don't know anything about me, DO NOT call me a freak!" I exclaim.
"I can call you whatever I want to." He yells as he pushes me down.
My whole face scrunches and my neck twitches.
"My girlfriend heard you say you don't like Maya, and then you made a malicious face about it."
"I never did any of that!" I cry.
"Dude, what are you doing?!" Mike yells as he runs in the court.
"He was bashing Maya to that Aly girl."
"Don't push him though!" Mike scolds.
"Ooh, I'm sorry. Didn't realize you were such a bab-"
I jump to my feet and push him right down where I was.
"I can defend myself too you know."
"Asher!" Mike stands between us.
"Todd why are you being so nasty all of a sudden. I thought you wanted to be my friend." I explain.
Todd narrows his eyes at me.
"That's cute. And I thought you liked my cousin."
"Is that what this is about?!" I yell.
I sigh.
"Todd, I can't help it that I 'led her on'. I have a medical condition where I can't control my movements sometimes, it's called Tourette Syndrome." I try to explain.
Todd looks up and walks up really close to me.
"You're full of crap."
I chest pass my basketball into Todd.
"Hope you have a great season without me. I'll end my varsity streak if it means getting away from your arrogance and ignorance." I yell as my voice shakes.
"Like we would have rearranged our schedules for you. Enjoy your Jew day." Todd pushes past me with the cold shoulder.
"Asher, are you-"
"Screw him, Mike. Come with me." Todd pushes Mike away with him.
I break down on the side and cry like a little wussy.
Basketball is just kinda everything about me. But my character is even more, and I will never ever give up my dignity to play with these devils.
I've also never been treated with anti-semitism before...
I hug my basketball and lay my head on it as tears stream down my face.
I reach down under my shirt and grasp my chai necklace and close my eyes...
All of a sudden I hear an odd noise deep into the distance.
My eyes shoot open.
A murderous scream....
Bloody murder this is the scream Jamie was telling my sister and me about!!!
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!" It screeches again.
I quickly snatch my basketball around my arm and sprint all the way home. I could of sworn I heard someone scream my name too, but my mind isn't in the best place right now so I wouldn't count on that.
"ASHER!! What happened?!" Zoey races down the steps in her zebra pajamas when she hears me gasping for breath and nervously dribbling.
"Asher, it's like you saw a ghost!"
"I think I did..."
"What do you mean?!" She raises her voice.
"I heard that scream Jamie told us about..."

To be continued....👻👻👻

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