Chapter 12-

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I yank my eye lids open....

What the heck is going on?!!?!? Is the ghost in this house...

Snap out of it, Asher. Everyone knows ghosts don't exist.

But there seems to be a lot of things in this town that I didn't know existed.


They do say that a lot of people who have TS have other disorders. Am I schizophrenic too.....

I blink a few times, purposely, and I snap out of it.


I hop out of bed and slam open the door.

"What are you doing?!" I yell as I find Jamie and my sister outside my room with a pile of kitchen and gardening tools.

"What are we doing? Well, what are you wearing!?"

I lift my hand to my head and feel my once spiked hair flop over my face, and look down at my batman onsie pajamas.

"What!" I protest.

"Anyway, you told Zoey here that you heard the ghost speak. This is some serious beeswax!"

I am in awe...

"Don't be a chicken, Asher! You love horror things!"

"Because I know they're fake!" I yell.

"Besides, why are you guys right outside my room. What are you even doing with these things?" I sneer.

I shake my head in disapproval.

"Whatever, continue being weird, I'm leaving..."


I'm kind of just sitting on my bed feeling sorry for myself since I don't really have friends to talk to anymore with what happened with Todd...

I just needed one friend, one buddy,

and he turned into a total doof.

but she didn't....

There is one person who said I can always talk to them when I am lonely here.


I dig through the papers in my room like a dog digging up a hole in the backyard until I find the golden ticket.

Or the golden colored post-it where I scribbled down Aly's phone number.



"Yeah, hi, Aly. How are you doing today?" I ask, smirking to myself.

"Uh, alright. How are you?"

"Wish I could be better." I admit.

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