Chapter 14-

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I open my eyes slowly to jumping and crazy...
Oh joy..
It's Wednesday...also know as the first day of Rosh Hashanah. It began last night and ends tomorrow night, and it is one of the holiest days of the year. Which also means a whole day of temple and no school.
Except in this town we aren't off for it, which means I have to make up all the work....🙄
"Hi, Asher! We got here last night after you fell asleep!! Auntie Sienna slash your mommy asked me to wake you!!"
"What grade are you in now?" I ask in my morning voice.
"And you're just as crazy..." I shake my head and rub my eyes.
Justin is hands down the craziest kid you'll ever meet. He lives with his family in Rockland County, New York where he's been playing travel soccer because he just has so much darn energy. To make this even more fun? He also has Tourette Syndrome...
Dad used to make as sit at least three seats apart so we wouldn't receive "yearly presents", or pick up each other's tics. Our parents would separate us as much as possible. It sounds cruel, but it makes sense. My TS used to be a lot worse and if you think it's annoying to live with just's a mess..
"Asher Asher Asher! We got to take a plane to see you this time!"
"But the plane served us gummy worms. Not just any gummy worms, they were the best gummy worms I ever had in my whole life. So thank you for moving!"
I chuckle.
"Any time, Bud."
"Good morning, boys!" Mom greets as she walks in wearing this white dress she only wears twice a year with the exception of an occasional bat/bar mitzvah, wedding, sweet 16 or something.
"Hi, Aunt Sienna!!"
"Justin, I can't get over how tall you got! You're almost as tall as Asher!"
Please no...
"I'm 5 foot 5!" Justin exclaims.
I'm around 5' 8" or 5' 9"...
"Not yet, Dude!" I moan.
"Alright, Asher. Get up." Mom demands.
"Uuuuhhhhhhhhh" A.K.A some random moan I exhibit in the morning.
"Ok! Ok! Not-"
Justin starts hitting me with a pillow as he tickles me.
"Stop! Hahahahaha I'm really hahahaha ticklish hahaha! Justin!" I laugh.
I jump out of bed.
"I'm awake! I'm awake!" I yell.
"Wow, you did get tall. Ay gavalt! Now let me get ready, you weasel!"
"Bye, Asherweirdo!"
After I brush my teeth, shower, and all that bathroom stuff I change into my best suit with my favorite hunter green shirt and silvery bowtie. Mom always yells at me that I need to wear something white to represent my "clean slate" for the שנה חדשה, so I slip on my white Tourette's awareness bracelet with teal writing. I figure even though it is subtle, it is special to wear something you can really connect with.
I is really melancholy getting ready for the holidays here and not in Philadelphia. All my friends went to my synagogue and I was pretty active in the temple youth really don't know what you love until it is gone...
"We have an Aliyah, Asher! Go eat quickly!"
I roll my eyes intentionally as I walk into the kitchen, but stop by the mirror.
I look pretty fly.. I spiked up my hair neatly and actually tied my bow tie perfectly for once.
"Asher!" Zoey calls after me.
I blink hard and then walk to the kitchen.
"Hey." I greet my other cousin, Chad. He is the same age as me,16, except he is a senior because he was really just born in December and I was born the very next month in January, but the new year pushed me a grade back.
"Hey, Twitchy." He kids as we hug. He's literally the only person in the world who can call me that. Not even Evan.
"Screw you! How have you been, Dudey!"
"Stupid. I picked AP BC Calc my senior year.." Chad laughs.
"Idiot." I laugh.
It's kind of strange talking to Chad because he looks just like me so it is kind of like talking to myself. Except he has blond hair and wears hipster glasses. He also is less tan than me since the Sephardi genes are from my father.
"And how have you been, Zoey?!" Chad asks Zo in a sing songy tone.
"You do know I'm not a baby anymore, Chad."
"Aw, she's very cute." Chad laughs.
"She really is. Seeing anyone, Zoey?" Justin laughs.
"Eww! You're my cousin, so gross!" Zoey cringes.
Justin giggles as his head shakes.
Man, it is kind of strange being on the receiving end. I can't help but wonder if that's how I seem to everyone else...
"You kids ready?" My Aunt Hellene walks in.
"Hellene!" I greet as I hug her.
"Aw, Asher, Sweetheart! So nice to see you again!"
She kisses me on the cheek.
"Alrighty, let's get in the SUV!"
"Mom, we aren't walking there like we usually do?" I ask.
"Well, Sweetie the closest temple isn't as close as our old one." Mom explains.
I sniff a few times.
"Can you go wait in the car?" Chad asks.
"What's your problem, Dude?"
"Justin just stopped doing that and I can't stand hearing that again for another three months." Chad nearly pushes me toward the door.
"I'm getting kicked outta my own home! Score for Ash!" I giggle.
I sit in the back of Hellene's car. Man, I'm pretty nervous about this new temple...
Eventually everyone gets in the car and we head toward Temple Or El.
"This looks really nice!" Mom milks it as we pull into the parking lot and are faced with a beautiful façade: pale pink bricks, fountain walls, shiny signs all underscored with pale blue lights. But all the glitz and glam will never out do the love and friendship back home...
We walk through the double doors and there is a large board directing us to the services.
"Tot service? I think this would be a good option for Justy!" Chad laughs.
"Very funny, Squirt!" Justin narrows his eyes.
"Let's just go to the family service, we can always go to the main sanctuary afterward." Mom suggests.
All of a sudden I start blinking and shaking like crazy. I REALLY hope I'm not ticcing away in services, especially when it gets real quiet. We already stand out here...
I sigh and continue walking and then I stop short.
"Aly? What are you doing here?"
"Well there are only so many shuls to choose from." Aly giggles.
"Yeah, true.." I grunt.
"This is my-"
"Yeah I really love this temple! I actually have to go..uh, vol-volunteer with the tot program. See ya!"
AND she's off!
I don't blame her, I am her sympathy case.
Her guinea pig for a college resumé.
She doesn't have to be my friend, but I don't need her pity.
"Who was that?" Chad asks.
"No one. I don't even know her." I shrug it off as I take my seat.
"Sure you don't."
"What was that?" Chad asks as he sits down beside me.
I shrug.
"Welcome, welcome! Shana tova! Please open to page 6."
Oh crap, that sound is coming from me.
"You sound like a friggin mouse!" Chad whispers to me below the chanting.
"Shut up.." I narrow my eyes.
Squeeeeeek! I squeeze my eyes shut.
What the heck is that?!
"Shoot, now you got my brother doing it!"
"Can't help it, Dude." I roll my eyes.
Then all of a sudden,
This other kid starts yelling animal noises, and it's quite amusing!
"Mooo moo moo!"
"Joshua!" I hear a woman scold.
But suddenly all these other kids join in and it's amazing!
Wow I must of really started a thing here! I actually for once in my life started a thing!
But I guess not everyone finds it as funny as I do, because a ton of eyes turn toward me. And by the look of my age I seem highly inappropriate..
Just keep looking down...
Grunt grunt grunt
"Can you tell him to shut up?" A woman turns to my mother. A cold sweat overtakes my body at the sight of my family's facial reactions.
Without even thinking, I dart out in embarrassment.

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