Chapter 23-

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"So you're not coming trick or treating with Jamie and I?"
"Nope. You heard Jamie. She got Todd to do it."
"But mom told you that you have to come with us!"
I look over my shoulder dramatically.
"Oh? What's this? Mom is not home! She's back in Philly now. So what you gonna do about it?"
"But, Asher! It's my birthday!"
That face...
"We can still celebrate your birthday. And I thought we settled this, Zo." I look down as I rummage through my drawer. I scrunch my eyes and jerk my arm.
"Oh wow..."
"You're scrummaging through your clothes? You won't come trick or treating? You're ticing more? Asher this is about a girl isn't it? This is about Aly!"
"YOU LIKE ALY! You like ALY!"
"You little twit!" I scream.
"Only if you come with me! To house forty!"
"You are an evil genius.." I groan.
"Wait. Only to house forty? That's it?"
"Yeah I want you to come to the scary house with us! I didn't want Jamie to know, but...I don't care if you can't come. I'm just scared to go to the haunted house alone."
"You weren't kidding about this?!" I shriek.
"We weren't ghost hunting for nothing, Asher!"
I shake a little.
"You scared?"
I could have sworn I heard this ghost and I cried home like a wuss, yet I'm coming to defend my sister and her friend, not to mention that my bully is coming with us. Fabulous. Nope not scared at all.
"Why do you want to do this?" I ask.
"It will be fun! And maybe the ghost rewards those who are willing to come over and not run away like everybody else?"
I tic a few times out of fear.
"And this would be the best birthday present..." Zoey makes that face again!
"Ok! Ok! Fine! Call me when you're there. I need to get ready."
Ding dong
"Let's get this over with!" Todd screams through the door.
I hesitantly let them inside.
"You're scared.." I mumble.
"Come on ticcy! Show me what you got I ain't scared of nothing you weasel! You're the one playing wussy by staying inside to gussy up with your Netflix!"
I narrow my eyes.
"Try me."
"NO! Boys! This is for Zoey's birthday!"
We all nod.
"Well, if you excuse me I am going to be watching dumb YouTube videos in my room as I throw together a costume. Laters!"
I dart up to my room.
What's sexy...What's sexy?
What do I even have? I should have planned this out better!
Do I go as batman or is that too basic?
I frantically rummage through all of my clothes.
My whole wardrobe is literally basketball, basketball and more basketball!
I've got it! I'll be an NBA zombie. Lol this is so me.
I can hold the pills I've been tossing( since they really did zombify me anyway!), put on zombie make up, and wear a 76ers jersey with a sweatband. Yes, this is happening.

Ok I need to stop, I'm acting like my sister's friends when they go to the mall.
I throw on the jersey and a pair of shorts.
Now time for the zombie makeup.
Ok. This is gross.
I'm putting on my mom's mascara and then pouring water over it since they always say mascara runs when you cry. Uh this is so awkward...
I throw on some other gory looking cosmetics and-
Brrrring! Brrrring!!
"Asher!!! Come quick!"
"What do you want?!" I ask.
"Todd ditched us! Jamie and I snuck to the haunted block's scarier than we thought! The screams are so loud and we're lost and-"
"Ok! Calm down! I'm coming!"
But I have no idea where they are.
"Quick, Asher! I have no idea where we are!"
"Didn't you know how to get there? So you know where you are!"
"Asher! I don't know!"
Jamie starts sobbing.
Holy crap...
I kick the door open like a superhero and sprint out the house.
I sprint down the street all the way to the basketball courts...what?! I may be an athlete, but SPRINTING for four blocks takes a lot out of you!!
I nearly fall over trying to catch my breath.
Dong, dong, dong...
Ugh nobody dribbles rougher than friggin Todd..
"You little piece of crap?!"
"I'm sorry is someone talking to me?" Todd laughs.
"You are a terrible person! You throw me a fake ass apology only to leave our sisters STRANDED!! Forget about us, just tell me where the heck Zoey and Jamie are!!"
"Oh, I don't know, Ticcy. You were the one whose mother told you that you were watching them all night."
I narrow my eyes at him and grab him by the shirt.
"Listen you little punk. Tell me where they are and no one gets hurt. And never EVER call me Ticcy!"
"My goodness! You really know how to be intimidating! They're! Uh!!"

Holy freak!!! I'm breaking into a cold sweat and my heart is a percussion ensemble.. I don't know if I ever really believed in ghosts or not but I sure as hell do now!!!

During that moment of the blood boiling screech, Todd and I meet eyes for the first time where we are on the same side.
"We're going in, Asher."

Cliffhanger!😂 Sorry meant to add this in before: just wanted to thank you all for reading!!! Nearly dropped my phone when I saw 400 reads. Like 400?!?? Whhaaaat!!! I would be happy if even one person read/enjoyed my story, but 400 is incredible☺️ thank you so so much💕💕💕

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