Chapter 13-

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"Are you ok?" I ask Aly.
She nods her head slowly.
"Something is definitely up. What's wrong?" I ask.
Blink blink blink...
"Let's start driving to the place." Aly smiles.
"I'm not letting this go, Aly Roth.." I attempt to threaten but it comes out sounding like a crappy joke.
"Did somebody hit you?" Aly finally blurts.
"Whaaat! Nooo...why do you say that?"
"I don't know." Aly avoids eye contact and drives in silence.
We get to the ice cream store and each order a chocolate cone.
"Aly what makes you even..."
"The side of your face looks like it is beginning to bruise.." Aly looks up concerned.
"As your buddy I want to know if someone is messing with you."
"Aly, everything is fine." I convince.
"No, it's not fine!"
"Why are you so convinced of the cause anyway."
"I don't know..."
We continue to eat our cones in silence, so I change the subject.
"Do you have any siblings?" I ask.
"Younger brother." She responds robotically.
"Uh, younger sister. Her name's Zoey."
"Cool. So do you know if you're trying out for basketball?"
I nearly choke on my ice cream.
"Uh...yeah, I don't think that's happening."
My neck twitches.
"Isn't this...a bit awkward?"
"What do you mean, Asher?"
"Well, I don't know..we sort of don't know each other well, just that you're my mentor even though you are the same age as me-"
"Peer mentor." Aly corrects.
"Yeah, whatever...and now we are licking ice cream in silence as I continue to tic to myself..."
"You know what, let's make this less awkward, ok!"
I giggle as Aly starts to semi scream about how we are going to get to know each other.
All of a sudden Maya and a few others enter the store.
"But, in my car!" Aly grabs my hand and drags me back to her car.
"What was that about?" I ask.
Aly turns to me, but doesn't say anything.
"Alright, I guess we are trying to get to know each other so I can start that process by telling you something a bit personal..."
I look up intently.
We lock eyes in silence, until that silence is broken by a grunt and a blink.
I told you he has an evil sense of humor!!!
"Umm, I used to do cheer. But I quit because Maya made my life a living hell...and I don't even believe in hell.." Aly explains looking down.
"So that's why we left..."
And that's why Todd attacked me...
"Yeah...I'd rather not go into details right now..I know it was a while ago, but it really affected me..."
"Well, if you ever want to talk about it, I'm here to listen."
"You're a great buddy. And a great person, Asher." Aly responds.
"Thank you. You too.."
"And I know you might be annoyed that your mother signed you up for this program, but if it keeps you away from those other kids, it's worth it." Aly explains.
I'm really curious about what she's referring to and what happened with Maya and the others. But I guess I'll just have to be patient.
"Want to head back to my place?" I ask as soon as we both finish our ice creams.
"Sure." Aly responds.
"So. What made you move here? Sorry if I already asked you and I forgot."
"Nah, it's cool. My parent's divorce sent Zoey and I here with my mom."
"Oh..I'm sorry.."
I shake my head.
"Don't be. It's cool."
My arm twitches.
"Probably my fault anyways."
"Don't say that, Asher!" Aly cries.
"It is most definitely not your fault!"
"Why? That's what they trained you all to say, huh?"
"No! Of course not! I know I don't know your parents. But I know a boy as nice as you would never be the bud of this!"
I shrug.
"And don't ever blame it on your disability. You're better than that."
I've never really thought of TS as my "disability"...
"I don't think this because of my Tourettes, you know! Ok well, maybe a little bit..."
"Aly, when you said boy as nice as think I'm nice?"
"Yeah, you seem very caring!" Aly chirps.
Aly pulls onto my street and we walk up to my entranceway.
"I just want to warn you, it may be a bit crazy in there."
"Please, you've never seen my house!" Aly laughs.
I smile.
As soon as I stick my key into the lock, the door slams open.
I jump a little.
"Duude..." I moan under my breath.
Aly and I are face to face with a bloody and bruised Evan...
"I showed him what he deserved!"
"Who?" Aly asks quietly.
I think I'm about to pass out..
"How about we come inside." I suggest.
Evan shakes his head and raises his eyes.
"I'll stay out here with you guys. Let's sit."
"What's going on?" Aly asks sounding concerned.
"Well, first off I'm Ashy's best friend from back home.."
"Hi. I'm Aly.."
"Hey. So while you two were out doing whatever-"
I give Evan a don't mess this up look.
"I decided to wander around the neighborhood cause you boy probs.."
Aly and I both giggle.
"Aaand of course I sought out the basketball people."
My stomach drops...
"So they asked who I was...and I discovered the hard way that you had an issue with this dude."
Aly and I both look at each other.
"What was the hard way?" I ask.
"He threw his ball at me."
Aly looks concerned.
"Well I found out this Todd guy practically assaulted you from his buddies, and I ain't letting him get away with that crap. 'Specially since I don't live around here and they can't do nothing about it!" Evan laughs.
"What? Asher you told me it was just a push!"
"Um, well..I thought it was.."
"Asher, you have a freaking black eye! That's why I was so concerned before but I didn't want to upset you..."
"Ok, save the couples drama! Point of the story is I told Todd where to go and how to get there." Evan smirks.
My eyes widen.
"How far?"
"I knocked him out. Now he better watch how he treats Philly boys."
"Wow...even here you've got my back.."
"Of course I do." Evan says softly.
"You're my best friend."
"Aly are you ok?" I ask.
"Yeah..I'm just worried about you. His whole possy is nothing but trouble...but you can be honest did your fight with him involve me?"
"No, not really." I admit.
"Not really?"
"Well it's about something I told you involving Maya..."
"Oh shoot...." Aly mumbles softly.

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