Chapter 32-

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"Ok!! I'm coming!"
I look through the peephole.
Of course...
It's Evan with Nick and Jack.
"Hey fam"
"Yo, Ash. We are heading to the courts to warm up. We have a big game at 2 against the Coyotes.
"You're playing Krembly Prep? Ooh dude..."I shake my head.
They made us look awful two years ago because everyone on their team was like double our size at the time. Now we always go extra hard to come back when we play them.
"Yeah. We are undefeated thus far...but so are they. So it's kind of the most heated game of the season. No biggie."
"So do you want me to help you guys prep? I can get pretty rough if you want me to."
"No, Ash. We just appeared at your door for no reason."
"Let me just get my ball." I explain.
"Oh and grab your jersey too."
"Why?" I say as I sniff.
"We can use them as pinnies for teams."
I shrug as I grab it from my room.
"You ok, Ash? You look a little sad."
"Just a bit emotional." I admit. "I'm fine.."
I miss basketball a lot...
"Alright. Let's go." I change the topic as I dribble my blue and black ball a few times.
"LEAVING!" I call to Dad.
I accidentally slam the door.
"I'm sorry!" I laugh.
I drag my left foot.
"Well let's get out of here already!" Nick huffs.
"I need to drag my foot!" I whine.
"And you don't think that's your worst tic?" Nick laughs.
"No. Other than the vocals, I think blinking is worse. It's more obvious."
"I guess. I mean it would be your call, you're doing it."
"'actly man..." I sigh.
I pick up my foot to keep walking and the drag thing happens again
Ugh sometimes I hate my Tourette's 😖
Well, at least having a messed up brain got me to meet Aly!
"Did you guys meet anyone new while I've been gone?"
"What do you mean?" Evan asks.
"You know.."I dribble the ball a few more times.
Evan bursts into laughter.
"Naw man. I mean maybe now that you're gone I can snatch Mia from you."
"Good luck!" I laugh.
"I'm trying to get this girl from the all girls private down the street."
"That's very you."
"And, Ashy it is very you that you're falling hard for Aly? Huh?! Yeah?!" Evan laughs.
"Evan.." I blush.
"Come ooon, if she met you're crazy best friend, otherwise known as me, and she isn't scared, than she must love you!"
My eyes roll. I'm sorry I said I wished you didn't exist Fred, that was on point 😬
"Evan, hate to break it to you, she wouldn't give a crap what you are like."
"Ooh wow, Westman..."

We get to the court and some other guys from the team are here.
"WESTMAN'S BACK!!" A few guys who weren't at the airport run over and nearly knock me down like dogs.
I man hug them.
"Why did you fall so easy?!"
"Dude, I don't play in Ohio. I haven't done a pickup in like 2 months!"
"What the hell?!"
"The guys in Clifftown SUCK!" I tell them.
"That's the name of the town? No wonder, Man!"
I laugh hysterically.
"My reaction completely. I just am so happy to be with you boys. You are all amazing."
Evan looks at Nick, almost feeling sorry for the fact I'm not with them anymore.
"Where is he?" I hear Evan ask Nick.
"Who?" I ask.
"Uh, our new freshie."
"You've got a freshie?!" I ask all excited, since Evan and I were the first of our grade on varsity since we were the only freshmen to make the cut. So now I love varsity freshies! They're my little guppies.
"Yeah, his name is Victor. But he is always late.." Evan huffs.
"I don't care. I still like the kid. Even if I never met him."
"You really dig the idea of being a varsity freshman."
"Of course I do."
I just keep dribbling. It's actually super calming for me.

"There you are, you little squirt! Put on your jersey, we are doing a pick up game."
Evan calls to who I assume is Victor.
"I want to be on freshie's team!" I yell, putting on my new honorary jersey.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"
"Rookie mistake! You're supposed to yell don't boss me around, I'm way better than you anyway, Evan!"
Victor laughs.
"I'm Victor."
"Asher." I extend my hand.
"So you're, Asher!"
"I can't tell if it's a good thing that I'm famous." I laugh.
"I mean, I am with your best friends all day every week, of course I'll hear everything about you and how much of a star you are."
I smile.
"Aw, you guys!"
"Nah, Dog. We smack talk you too. About all the weird crap and embarrassing moments you've pulled at practice." Nick tells me.
"Of course you did, you rascals."

I chest pass my ball hard at Evan.
"Hey, Watch it, Westman!"
"Told you I would play rough on you guys! Let's go!" I yell.
I pivot around and long pass the ball to Jack.
"Hey boy! Pass it to me!" Evan yells.
"Do I give it to freshie?"
"Yes!" I yell.
Victor jumps up to snatch the ball, but instead falls back onto his side.
"Oww.." he moans.
"Are you ok?" Nick asks him.
"No. Ow. Guys I can't play."
"Yes you can!" I encourage.
"No. Asher, he needs to rest."
I kneel down next to him.
"Here lean on me and try to stand."
"Asher no. Just let him lay here. He shouldn't stand." Evan tells me.
"Really? Should I call EMS?"
"But guys!" Jerry exclaims.
"If Vic ain't playing, looks like we are down a player."
All eyes turn to me.
"Could you fill in, Ash?"
I beam with excitement.
"Hell yeah! Let's do this! WHAT TEAM IS THE BEST?!" I yell.
"FLASHES!" Everyone calls back.
"BETTER THAN ALL THE...Man, it's good to be back."
"You got this, West?" Nick asks.
"Better than I ever have before! LET'S GO!!!"

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