Meeting Sherlock Holmes

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"Are you okay, John?" A small blonde asked from her small and un-comfortable bed worriedly, watching her older brother jolt up on his own bed. He looked over at her, breathing heavily. She was leaning up on her left elbow, watching John fidget to try and compose himself.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine, Beth" John cleared his throat before continuing, "What are you doing up? Christ, what time is it?" He rubbed his eyes tiredly before looking back over to his sister, she was watching him with cautious eyes.

"John, are you sure you're okay? This is your third nightmare this week." Beth sat up in her bed to her and John's shared, all-in-one, cheap, studio flat and reached over to turn on the bedside lamp. John sighed, "I've got another therapy session today."

"Oh, well, do you want me to come with you?" John only nodded quietly before laying back down on his bed and staring up at the ceiling. Beth sensed that John was deep in his thoughts, probably about the nightmare that he just woke from. She swiftly swung her legs over her bed and started to stand and stretch out, "I'm going to go shower. I shouldn't be too long"

John hummed as she walked towards her small over-night bag picking out some clothes for the day and then to the bathroom. Once he heard the shower running he let himself weep.

Sometime later, the sun had risen and John was out of bed, sitting at the only desk in the room looking at his laptop which was open to his blank website. "I made you some toast," Beth announced, placing the plate down beside John's laptop. "Oh, thank you," He smiled with a closed mouth at his sister before looking back at his laptop and sighing.

"Can't think of anything to write?" Beth asked, sitting down on top of her now made bed and leaning on her knees to look at Johns laptop screen along with him. "Not a single thing," John sighed again, leaning back in his chair.

"How's your blog going?" John and Beth were now at Johns therapy session. Beth was seated in the corner of the room on a small couch, reading a book she bought from a quiet shop, around the corner from the place they were located.

"Yeah, good." John coughs, "Very good." Beth raised an eyebrow at John's reply, she knew full well that He had no motivation what-so-ever to write on his blog.

"You haven't written a word, have you?" The psychiatrist accused, catching Beth's glance.

"You just wrote, 'Still has trust issues.'" John pointed out on the woman's note pad, "I obviously trust, Beth." He continued nodding over at his sister.

"She's your sister, and you just read my writing upside down. D'you see what I mean?" John smiles awkwardly at her. Beth could see that John was uncomfortable, it was weird for her to see her older brother like this, so serious. It didn't take a professional to see that being a doctor in the war really affected John.

"John, you're a soldier, and it's going to take you a while to adjust to civilian life, and writing a blog about everything that happens to you, and Beth, will honestly help you."

John looked the woman dead in the eye and answered, "Nothing happens to me. Us."

Beth was currently walking alongside a limping John through the park, she wanted to get out of the tiny flat that they were temporary staying at, fresh air wouldn't do them any harm and John needed to do some light walking. The two walk past a man sitting on a park bench, the man stares after them, clearly recognizing both, He calls out.

"John! Beth! John Watson!"

The two turn back to look at the man who was hobbling up to them. "Stamford. Mike Stamford. We were at Bart's together, John."

"Goodness, Yes, Mike." John took his hand, "Hello, hi." He stammered on, clearly not recognizing Mike beforehand.

"Yeah, I know. I got fat!" Mike laughed, looking over John and Beth, two people he hasn't seen in a long time. "No, no," Beth tried to assure, taking Mikes offering hand after John. "How are you, Mike?" She asked.

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