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A month after the pink lady case, Beth, Sherlock, and John became close. During that time, to Beth's horror, John took ownership over the large, comfy armchair and Sherlock the square black one, leaving Beth to either sit on the long sofa or a table chair. In this moment, she was sprawled out across the sofa waiting to leave for her interview at Barts hospital down in the labs. Luckily, the woman she met, Molly, was the one who would be interviewing her.

"I need to go shopping." John said from the kitchen.

"Hmm?" Sherlock mumbled from his chair, he was reading a book.

"I'm going shopping." John walked back into the main room and picked his coat up from the back of his armchair.

"Good." Sherlock mumbled again not taking his eyes from the book, Beth could see that he was not reading. John rolled his eyes at Sherlock's dis-interest and left the flat.

"I'm off too. Interview." Beth lifted herself of the sofa and grabbed her shoulder bag.

"Good." Sherlock once again mumbled, not looking interested in any of the conversation.

"Are you just going to sit there all morning?" Beth looked towards him.

"Pretty much, yes." Sherlock gave a tight, fake smile and lowered his book to look at Beth, who was wearing formal clothes: For the interview, Sherlock deduced.

"Well, I shouldn't be too long. Bye, Sherlock."

"Hmm." Sherlock raised his book back to his face and then peered over it as soon as Beth had left the room.

Beth returned home before John did. She entered the front room to see Sherlock still sat in the same spot reading the same book.

"Have you even moved?" She asked Sherlock, plopping herself down into the free armchair.

"No." Sherlock said. He had, but she didn't need to know that. He looked up from his book to look at Beth. Her once tidy hair was thrown up into a messy looking bun and the top two buttons to her blouse were undone: Stressed, he deduced, "You didn't get the job."

"I did actually." She grinned over at him, "I just wanted to make you think I didn't get the job. Maybe your skills aren't as good as we all think." Beth joked which made Sherlock squint his eyes.

"Underneath your eyes are dark: you didn't get much sleep last night, presumably, you were restless in anticipation for the interview. Small brown stain on the left-breast pocket of your blouse suggests that you bought a coffee to wake yourself up, the size of the stain shows that you were running a tad late so you had to drink It quickly and some of it spilled. Due to the stain being in plain sight you had to cover it with your hair, that then suggests that you re-styled it once your interview was over. Your smile shows that, yes, you did indeed get the job and you start next week in face, I know this because you have ink blotches on your fingers, you were writing quickly so the information you were given couldn't have been too much, so it was times and dates, the fact that you even negotiated times and dates means that you start relatively soon, so next week. You think that what I have just done was 'brilliant' by the look on your face and John is coming up the stairs." Sherlock deduced, not taking his eyes off Beth to notice John.

"Smart-arse." Beth mumbled.

Sherlock moved his eye over to John, "Took your time."

"Yeah, I didn't get the shopping."

"What? Why not?"

"Because I had a row, in the shop, with a chip-and-PIN machine."

Beth laughed.

"You ... you had a row with a machine?"

"Sort of. It sat there and I shouted abuse. Have you got cash?"

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