The Pool

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Throughout the week, Beth was unable to go with Sherlock and John on any other cases due to having to catch up in work. Sherlock had asked more than once for her to ask Molly if she could have time off to help him with the case but Beth refused. Sherlock didn't need Beth anyway, he and John had managed to solve two cases without her.

Beth couldn't keep asking Molly for favours, and she definitely couldn't ask her when she turned up in the lab crying her heart out about Jim, who was in fact gay. Molly had told Beth that the reason Jim wanted to get close to Molly was to get close to Sherlock.

"Men are idiots, Molly." Beth tried to comfort her friend.

"Oh, why did he have to be gay?" Molly snivelled. "He was nice, smart, and attractive."

"You'll find someone better, Molly."

"Yeah," She snivelled again whipping her nose, "Yeah, I will." She smiled over at Beth and giggled, "Thank you for listening to me, I've been so silly." Molly whipped her nose one last time and stood up, "I better take this down to the fridges." Molly picked up a bowl that held a man's liver and walked out of the room.

Beth sighed and picked up a pen, noting down on a sheet that the man in question was an alcoholic and the potential liver failure was what aided his death. The door opened again, and Beth assuming it was Molly began to speak,

"Molly, how long di-" Beth cut herself off when she realised the person at the door wasn't Molly, "Jim, hi! If you're looking for Molly she just left."

Jim walked more into the room and Beth noted that he was wearing a suit and his hair was less greasy than the last couple of times she had seen him. He looked at her with a hard, blank face. The doors behind him opened again and two large men in all black uniform stepped in and ski masks.


"Are you getting scared, sweet heart?" Jim looked at Beth with a fake sadness and then made his face go blank and hard again.

"What's happening." Beth asked worried. She stood from her stool and edged herself backwards slowly.

Jim scratched the side of his neck and then moved it in a way that reminded Beth of a snake, "Beth, dear, you either come over to me willingly or your life is going to get a considerable amount harder." He glared over to her.

"I'm not going anywhere with you."

"You see. That's where you're wrong, sweetheart." Jim clicked his fingers and motioned his head towards Beth, this made the two men at the door walk over to her at a fast pace and grip her roughly by the shoulders, they then walked her closer to Jim.

"James Moriarty." He smiled in a sneer, he then flicked his eyes up to his henchmen to give a silent message. In a flash, Beth felt a thump on the back of her head and her world once again turned to darkness.


"D'you know what happens if you don't leave me alone, Sherlock, to you?" Moriarty said towards Sherlock who had John's hand gun pointed towards him.

"Oh, let me guess: I get killed." Sherlock rolled his eyes.

"Kill you? No, don't be obvious. I mean, I'm gonna kill you anyway someday. I don't wanna rush it, though. I'm saving it up for something special. No-no-no-no-no. If you don't stop prying, I'll burn you. I'll burn the heart out of you." Moriarty snarled at Sherlock.

"I have been reliably informed that I don't have one."

"But we both know that's not quite true." Moriarty cringed his face back in knowing and raised his eyebrows making his eyes widen as he looked Sherlock up and down, "I'll prove that in a moment. I'd better be off. Well, so nice to have had a proper chat."

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