The Fall

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This chapter may be slightly sensitive near the end. If you have any issues with death or the loss of a child this is your warning.

Beth and John made their way as fast as they could to 221B. The whole ride, Beth was bobbing her knee up and down frantically and clutching at her stomach discreetly as to not show John that she was in pain. The taxi came to a sudden halt outside of 221B and the two made a quick move to get out of the cab and into their flat, John was a considerable amount faster than Beth was and he was able to get into the front corridor, just before the stairs to their flat, at a quicker pace.

"Oh, God, John! You made me jump!" Mrs Hudson said in a startled giggle.

Beth blanched by door at the sight of her well looking landlady, "Mrs Hudson?"

"But..." John stuttered out.

"Is everything okay now with the police? Has, um, Sherlock sorted it all out? Beth dear, are you all right? You look a little peaky."

"Oh my God." John breathed out then turned running back out of the door, Beth following behind, "Taxi!" John yelled out to a cab that was on the other side of the road, "Taxi! No, no, no, no, police!" John told the man who was about to get into the cab the he and Beth needed.

Beth slammed herself into the taxi seat and instructed the driver to go to Bart's as quick as possible.

"Oh my God." Beth runs her hands through her hair to calm her panic levels.

"It's all right. He'll be all right." John took Beth's hand in attempt to keep her calm but she had a feeling that he was trying to convince himself too.

The cab had finally pulled up outside the hospital and both John and Beth made a frantic move to get out. John's phone began to chime out and Beth looked at the caller ID to see that it was Sherlock.

"Hello?" John answered, "Hey, Sherlock, you okay?" John pressed the phone on speaker so that Beth could listen in.

"Turn around and walk back the way you came now." Beth heard Sherlock's voice demand over the phone.

"No, we're coming in."

"Just do as I ask! Please."

"Where?" John turned Beth and himself around and began to walk back the way they came.

There was a pause from Sherlock as they walked, "Stop there."

The two stopped.

"Okay, look up. I'm on the rooftop."

Beth looked up to see that Sherlock was stood on the edge of the rooftop, her breath caught in her throat and she made a move back to the hospital, "Sherlock! No. I'm coming up."

"John stop her!"

"No, you let me go!" Beth cried out, struggling in John's grip on her arm.

"I ... I ... I can't come down, so we'll ... we'll just have to do it like this."

"What's going on?" John asked, his voice full of confusion and concern.

"Sherlock, please come down." Beth said frantically into the phone.

"An apology. It's all true." Sherlock's voice came through the phone again.


"Everything they said about me. I invented Moriarty."

"No Sherlock. Why are you saying this?" Beth continued her struggle against John's grip.

"I'm a fake." Sherlock's voice had started to falter.

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