Anger Or Jealousy

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"Beth! John!" Beth heard Sherlock's drowsy voice call out from his bedroom.

Beth sighed quietly and lifted herself out of Sherlock's armchair and making a move towards his bedroom.

"You okay?" She asked leaning on the doorway looking down at a woozy Sherlock.

"How did I get here?"

"Me, John and Lestrade brought you back. You probably can't remember anything, you were so out of it and you weren't making a lot of sense. You kept talking nonsense and tried to braid my hair," Beth laughed at the memory, "Oh, I should warn you, I think Lestrade filmed you on his phone."

"Where is she?" Sherlock breathed out, standing up and stumbling around his room.

"Where's who?"

"The woman, that woman".

"What woman?"

"The woman. The woman woman!"

"Oh, you mean Irene Adler? She got away. No-one saw her." Beth watched as Sherlock stumbled his way over to the open window, "She wasn't here, Sherlock. I opened that window."

Sherlock spun around and collapsed to the floor, he crawled along his floor and looked under his bed, Beth assumed he was looking for Irene Adler and sighed.

"John!" She called out then tried to stop Sherlock from making any more manic movements, "No, no, no, no."

"Come on, Sherlock." John entered the room and lifted Sherlock onto his bed, "Back to bed. You'll be fine in the morning. Just sleep." He covered him with his bed sheet.

"Of course I'll be fine. I am fine. I'm absolutely fine." Sherlock mumbled into his pillow.

"Yes, you're great." Beth shook her head.

"Now, I'll be in the room if you need me, and Beth will be next door next door." John assured leading Beth out of Sherlock's room.

"Why would I need you?"

"No reason at all." John slammed the door behind him.

Beth walked into her room and collapsed straight onto her bed, lifting her eyes to the ceiling. She then rubbed her face tiredly and curled into a ball, pulling her sheets up to her chin and closing her eyes.

The next morning, Sherlock had turned back into his old self and he, Beth, and John we sat around the table in the main room eating breakfast. Mycroft was also at the flat, he was stood behind Beth, who was eating a square of toast.

"The photographs are perfectly safe." Sherlock said from behind a newspaper.

"In the hands of a fugitive sex worker."

"She's not interested in blackmail. She wants... protection for some reason. I take it you've stood down the police investigation into the shooting at her house?"

"How can we do anything while she has the photographs? Our hands are tied."

"She'd applaud your choice of words." Beth smirked at Sherlock's humour, "You see how this works, that camera phone is her 'Get out of jail free' card. You have to leave her alone. Treat her like royalty, Mycroft."

"Though not the way she treats royalty." Beth smirked again.

The sound of a moan echoed through the flat making Beth stop mid chew to frown and look around, "What was that?"

"Text." Sherlock replied casually making Beth frown deeper.

"Right, but what was that noise?"

Sherlock stood up and picked up his phone off the mantle, "Did you know there were other people after her too, Mycroft, before you sent John and I in there? CIA-trained killers, at an excellent guess." Sherlock sat back at the table.

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