Two Years Later

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Two years later.

The first year after Sherlock's death was the worst for Beth. Sherlock's face was plastered all over the news, on the TV, in the papers, the internet. Beth cut herself away from all of it, not wanting to be reminded of what happened or move out of her depressed state. She very little left the flat, only to go to work or to see John on their planned Fridays together, which still continue only now he was accompanied with a new member. Beth was inactive in keeping herself well fed, rested, or even washed, by the fourth month she had lost an alarming amount of weight and John needed to make sure that she didn't go off the rails like that again.

John did as promised and moved into a new place, he refused to stay in the flat, he said that it would be the best place to start moving on. Beth didn't want to move on and made her views very clear on the matter when John offered for her to stay in his new home. Although he was no longer at 221B, John had always made sure that Beth was checked up on, either by himself, Mrs Hudson or now Mary, his new girlfriend of six months and even Molly. He had met her at the surgery where he works, Beth thought that it was good that John was becoming happy again, he tried to hide it but Beth could tell that John was also still saddened by the past events.

On the fourteenth month after Lucy and Sherlock's death, John had finally, after months of trying, convinced Beth to start something that she would enjoy, something she hadn't done since starting University. Ballet. Beth, at first was opposed to the idea, not seeing any point of it just like most things. The idea of ballet grew on her, she missed it, she also missed Sherlock but as least she could start ballet again. The thought gave her motivation.

And now, two years later, she was slowly becoming herself again.


Beth quickly finished buttoning one of Sherlock's old shirts over her black leotard at Mrs Hudson's call. This was usual for Beth, to be lounged in the flat after one of her ballet sessions in Sherlock's shirts, it was comforting and it reminded her that he was indeed real. She looked up to the clock to see that it was 11:30, her usual time to take her antidepressant. She was slowly being weaned off of Prozac, she and her therapist had a discussion and they both feel that she's becoming better, less robotic and more human.

Beth trotted down the stairs and into Mrs Hudson's flat and there sat at her kitchen table was John with his fluffy moustache that Beth thought made him look more like her dad than brother. Mrs Hudson was stood in front of him with two teas, a glass of water and beside it Beth's pill. Both John and Mrs Hudson were looking slightly sour.

"John." Beth said surprised, "What are you doing here?"

"It's Friday."

"I know it's Friday, but I usually come to meet you." That was true, John never once stepped into the flat after moving out.

"Just one phone call would have done!" Mrs Hudson said suddenly, startling Beth who had now popped her medication onto her tongue and swallowed with the water.

"I know." John looked down at his folded hands sadly.

"After all we went through."

"Yes. I am sorry."

"Look, I understand how difficult it was for you after... after..." Mrs Hudson lowered her own head sadly.

Beth closed her eyes and sighed deeply, none of them had mentioned it for a long time, which she was grateful for but she expected the topic had to come up at some point.

"I just let it slide, Mrs Hudson. I let it all slide. And it just got harder and harder to pick up the phone somehow. D'you know what I mean?" John's tone was soft making Mrs Hudson smile sadly and reach out to place a hand on his arm, she did the same to Beth, taking her hand and giving it a pat.

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