Chasing Sherlock Holmes

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"Sherlock, what have you done?" Mrs Hudson cried rounding the corner of the stairs.

"Mrs Hudson?"


Beth watched as Sherlock paused briefly before turning to hurry up the stairs. Beth rushed behind John and Sherlock to see that Lestrade was sat in the black armchair. Beth noticed there were other officers searching around the room.

"What are you doing?" Sherlock demanded walking up to where Lestrade was sat.

"Well, I knew you'd find the case. I'm not stupid."

"You can't just break into my flat." Sherlock defended bitterly.

"And you can't withhold evidence. And I didn't break into your flat."

"Well, what do you call this then?"

"It's a drug bust." Lestrade shrugged looking smug.

"Drugs bust?!" Beth exclaimed looking towards Lestrade with her eyes squinted, "You can't be serious?" 'There's no way that Sherlock could be using drugs' Beth thought.

"Beth..." Sherlock tried to interrupt.

"This guy, a junkie?! Have you met him?!" John objected looking towards Lestrade with the same look as Beth.

"John..." Sherlock again tried to interrupt.

"I'm pretty sure you could search this flat all day, you wouldn't find anything you could call recreational." John continued.

Beth watched Sherlock who was becoming more nervous. Her eyes widened in realization.

"John, you probably want to shut up now."

"Yeah, but come on."

Sherlock looked straight at John with a serious face, this just confirmed Beth's thoughts even more.

"No." Beth hinted making Sherlock turn to her.



"Shut up!" Sherlock snapped towards her then turned back to Lestrade, "I'm not your sniffer dog.

"No, Anderson's my sniffer dog." Lestrade nodded towards the kitchen.

Beth looked towards the kitchen to see the man from Brixton, he raised his hand sarcastically and gave a small wave.

"Anderson, what are you doing here on a drugs bust?" Sherlock sneered.

"Oh, I volunteered."

Sherlock turned away angrily.

"They all did. They're not strictly speaking on the drugs squad, but they're very keen."

"Are these human eyes?" Sally Donovan's voice chimed out. Beth rolled her eyes, she really didn't like this woman.

"Put those back!"

"They were in the microwave!"

"It's an experiment." Sherlock was seething and Beth felt slightly bad for him, there was no need for all of those police officers to set up a fake drug bust just for the pink lady's case.

"Keep looking, guys. Or you could help us properly and I'll stand them down." Lestrade stood to talk to Sherlock.

"This is childish." Sherlock spat, pacing around the room.

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