On the Run

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At Addlestone, the team made their way as fast as they could into the building, "You, look over there. Look everywhere. Okay, spread out, please. Spread out."

The different teams broke off and searched around the building, Sherlock, Beth, and John went with Lestrade and some other officers. Beth shined her torch around the area as Sherlock hurried around in the front. Sherlock stopped at a spot covered in sweet wrappers and a candle he reached down to feel the wick of the candle.

"This was alight moments ago. They're still here." He called out.

Beth used her torch to light the area for Sherlock, "Sweet wrappers. What's he been feeding you? Hansel and Gretel." He lifted one of the wrappers to his nose and sniffed it then brought it to his mouth, removing it immediately with a grimace.



"Jesus." Beth clenched her eyes knowing what it could be doing to the children.

"The papers: they're painted with mercury. Lethal. The more of the stuff they ate."

"It was killing them." Beth confirmed.

"But it's not enough to kill them on its own. Taken in large enough quantities, eventually it would kill them. He didn't need to be there for the execution. Murder by remote control. He could be a thousand miles away."

Beth looked at the large quantity of wrappers surrounding them with a sad look.

"The hungrier they got, the more they ate... the faster they died. Neat." Sherlock grinned to himself.
"Sherlock." John said disapprovingly and Sherlock dropped his look.

Suddenly, Donovan's voice called out, "Over here!"

The teams quickly ran to where she was crouched next to two, small, dirty children. The boy was unconscious and the girl looked scared out of her mind.

"I've got you. Don't worry." Donovan comforted the girl, who accepted the hand that she offered.


They were now back at Scotland Yard, Beth was sat in a desk chair looking beyond concerned for the two children and Sherlock was slowing driving her insane with the pacing. They were asked to wait outside as the police tried to find out what they could from the little girl.

"Right, then." Donovan said as she and Lestrade walked out of the investigation room, "The professionals have finished. If the amateurs want to go in and have their turn."

"Now, remember, she's in shock and she's just seven years old..." Lestrade informed Sherlock, "So anything you can do to –"

"- not be myself."

"Yeah. Might be helpful." Lestrade said softly.

Sherlock looked to Beth for help with 'not being himself.'

"Just speak softly and don't sound harsh. It'll be fine." Beth put her hand into his and walked into the room.

Sat at the table was the little girl, Sherlock stood opposite and began to speak, "Claudette, I –"

Sherlock got nowhere with his words as the girl looked up and began to scream out in terror.

"No, no, I know it's been hard for you –"

She continued to scream and attempted to back away in fear

"Claudette, listen to me –" Sherlock clenched Beth's hand tighter in worry and confusion.

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