Talks And A Kidnapping

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Two months later

Sometime after the trial, Beth was now nearing the end of her seventh month pregnant, the lack of cases gave Beth and Sherlock an excuse to act like a normal couple, well, as normal as it could get with Sherlock, which had its limitations. What surprised Beth the most about Sherlock was his request for physical contact, he also had nothing against engaging in sexual intimacy with her in this state, admittedly, their typical two positions had to be scrapped and changed to a more comfortable and effective one, which happened to be with Beth on her side and Sherlock behind.

That morning, once John had left the flat, the two had taken to laying on the long sofa together. Her body has moulded itself into his, Sherlock was against the back of the sofa facing outwards to accommodate for Beth and her large bulging stomach, on top rested his hand which took in the light flitters of movement wherever he pressed down more firmly. Beth let out a hum in content.

"We need to call her something." Beth fiddled with Sherlock's hair, the sweet affection made him flutter his eye closed and nuzzle his head into her shoulder and keep it there.

"Isn't that your job?" He mumbled into her neck.

"It has to be unanimous between us."

Sherlock hummed into her neck and continued to pad his hand around her belly, receiving little kicks as he did so.

"What about Isobel?"

Sherlock scrunched his nose at her suggestion.


"There's nothing wrong with 'Isobel' but there's that possibility that someone, probably John, definitely John, will shorten it to 'Izzy' or 'Bella' and I don't think I can stand having a daughter with such an appallingly nickname."

"Noted." Beth giggled, "Do you have anything to offer?" Beth raised an eyebrow.

"Jane. You said it was a family name, wouldn't it be more sentimental to use it as a first name?"

Beth went to open her mouth again but was interrupted by a smiley Mrs Hudson, "Yoo-hoo. Awe, look at the three of you, all cuddled up like that, almost like a proper family."

"Yes, thank you, Mrs Hudson," Sherlock rolled his eyes and sat upright, "The reason you're here?"

"Oh!" She remembered her presence then turned her voice to a loud whisper, "The police are downstairs."

Beth sat up allowing Sherlock to get to his feet, he cleared his throat and straightened his jacket, "Well, send them up."

Seconds later, Lestrade and Sally Donovan hurried into the flat.

"There's been a kidnapping." Lestrade rushed out, dropping a file onto the table.

"What?" Beth said, standing along with the other members of the room.

"Two kids have been taken."

Sherlock, something weird..." Beth heard John's voice, which had paused at the sight of Lestrade and Donovan, "What's going on?"

"Kidnapping." Sherlock sat himself at his laptop.

"Rufus Bruhl, the ambassador to the U.S." Lestrade started.

"He's in Washington, isn't he?"

"Not him – his children, Max and Claudette, age seven and nine." Sally showed a picture towards John and Beth of the two children, "They're at St Aldate's."

"Posh boarding place down in Surrey." Donovan explained.

"The school broke up; all the other boarders went home – just a few kids remained, including those two."

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