Chapter 1: Green Eyes

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The bright glare of the early morning sun illuminated New York City, the blinding light decorated by soft, fluffy looking clouds and surrounded by a gentle blue sky, stretching out far into the horizon.

It was too early in the day for the sun to be high in the sky, the bottom of the large sphere barely above the taller skyscrapers in the distance. Shops below had started to open, cars had started to full the streets and people had started to litter the sidewalk.

Two pairs of green eyes peered down on the city from above, sitting on one of the lower buildings in the area. The building itself was rather small, tiny one-bedroom apartments and tiny stores inside, hence the small size.

To Diamond and Ivy, the small rooftop covering it was perfect. They'd figured out which space was the most sheltered from the rain by the taller buildings that surrounded it, since they had no actual roof, and they'd settled there.

A few locks of wavy black hair moved forwards as Diamond shifted to sit on her knees. "Wao," she murmured, the Japanese for 'wow' slipping easily from her tongue. "I forgot just how quiet this town can get."

Mmmrow! Diamond looked over to Ivy, the female brown tabby's green eyes gazing into her own of the same colour. She reached out and stroked the two year old cat softly on the neck, the tabby's favourite place for the girl's hand to run over. She smiled before tilting her hand down. Ivy got the message and opened her mouth as Diamond used the water element to make the cool liquid trickle into the cat's open jaws, each drop simply appearing out of thin air. When Ivy had had enough, Diamond did the same for herself. It saved time as well as the little amount of money that Diamond had saved.

"What do you say, girl?" Diamond asked the tabby. "Grab an apple on the way to the vets?" Ivy purred in response, leading to Diamond smiling. The teen girl said, "I'll take that as a yes." She stood up but bent over again, holding her left hand out to Ivy, palm turned skyward. Ivy understood and put her front two paws on the girl's hand. The tabby paused before running up Diamond's arm, settling around her neck with her front paws and head on the right shoulder, so her small body had comfortable yet firm hold on her. Diamond ensured the cat wouldn't fall off by using the air element before walking over to her sleeping bag. There was a small bag that you sling over your shoulder beside the sleeping bag. It contained the few belongings she had managed to save from Japan, and the few new ones she had managed to gain in New York. She unzipped one of the side-pockets, revealing the small compartment to be half filled with coins. A few were Japanese but most were American. She'd gained them by picking up random coins that had fallen out of some people's handbags or wherever they stored their cash, as well as her job.

When Diamond had arrived in New York City, she'd known she wouldn't survive easily for long, especially since she was caring for a cat. Due to this, Diamond saved up, brought a newspaper, found an advertised job that didn't really rely on mathematics, science or any school subject. She found a few more coins and used a payphone to ask for a job interview, and when she completed the interview, she somehow got the job.

The job she'd gotten wasn't anything too special. She worked at the vets that was part of a pet-store. It was located a few minutes away from her makeshift home. The amount of Japanese customers who couldn't speak much English were slowly increasing, so Diamond, knowing both languages, was a translator. Japanese to English, English to Japanese.

And she was going to be needed there in about ten minutes, so Diamond grabbed a small handful of cash and stuffed them into the one unzipped pocket out of two in her thin, grey jacket. She zipped the pocket so no coins would fall out. She then zipped up the compartment with her cash in the shoulder bag. She ran for one of the edges of the rooftop, the one on the left that lead to an alleyway. The alleyway on the other side had a wall blocking the second way out, but it did have carts of thrown out food from the cafe on one side of the building.

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