Chapter 16: Mutagen Splash

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The next fortnight passed uneventfully. Diamond and Ivy introduced Cathy to April and Casey, and now all five of them had become best friends.

Diamond and Ivy were getting used to living underground with the turtles. She began her training to become a kunoichi, and she was starting to slowly gain the skills and agility needed.

Apart from the occasional fight with some foot-bots, the turtles didn't encounter the Foot clan at all.

Donatello had taken out Diamond's stitches in her arm- permanently, thank goodness.

Overall, Diamond and Ivy had really enjoyed the past two weeks- except for Wednesdays, of course. Josiah still didn't like them.

It was a Friday afternoon. Diamond and Ivy were walking back to the lair. Nobody was with them. April and Casey were still in school, and Cathy's tennis club had to shift their practice to that day. They normally practiced on a Wednesday, however the owners of the courts they used had replaced all the nets, some of the turf, and had refurbished the club room during Wednesday and Thursday.

The turtles were teaching Diamond and Ivy their way around the sewers, and the twisting maze of tunnels were becoming more familiar, and they could find their way through the tunnels easier now.

Diamond walked into an alleyway, hoping it had a manhole cover, only to sigh when she realised it didn't. She continued to walk through the alleyway, sticking to the edge of it. She didn't care how dark the shadows were in the middle.

Diamond stepped into those shadows, and immediately wished she didn't.

Ivy tensed, and hissed into the darkness. Diamond's breath hitched in her throat as she curled her hands into tight fists. Her head snapped to the side, in the direction Ivy's hiss was pointed at, just as something connected with the back of her knee. Said action caused Diamond to start falling forwards, but one of the first things she'd learned in her training was how to roll back into a standing position at the end of a fall. She used that technique, taking extra care to avoid squashing Ivy, and instantly responded with a knife-hand to the neck, followed by a blow to the side of the head. Diamond watched as the skinny male who'd kicked her fell to the ground, unconscious.

Once again, Diamond's old Tae-Kwon-Do habits came back. She remembered Ivy had hissed in a different direction of the guy who kicked her.

Always assume your attacker has friends who will attack you too.

Diamond looked around, and her green eyes instantly locked with a pair of brown ones. A brown haired man owned them.

"The hell!?" She exclaimed.

A response or B response, she began saying mentally.

A and B responses were yet another Tae-Kwon-Do thing, and Diamond had decided to figure out if this really was a robber or just an ego attack.

"What have you got, kid?" The man demanded.

"What have I possibly got to give?" Diamond snapped back, as Ivy hissed again. This one was much more ferocious than her first.

"You know what you have to give me," The man snarled. "Nobody gets past me without handing over their stuff!"

Diamond frowned. B response it was.

"One last change, girlie," the man said. "Where's your phone?"

Diamond huffed. "Assuming your victims have phones. And what might you do if they don't have one?"

"Have you noticed all the darn kids in this city?" The man said. "They all have one."

"Well then, I refuse!"

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