Chapter 23: That's For Everything Else

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In-case any of you are wondering, the Diamond x Leonardo ship name is 'LEOMIOND'

"So, you two are a thing, right?"

Diamond froze for a moment at her red-head friend's question, realising that she was implying that she and Leonardo were a 'couple' almost immediately. Her face flushed red at the comment as she awkwardly ducked away from April's next blow to stand a meter or so away.

"W-what?" She stuttered. "Ah- no, no, no-no-no-no-no-no-no no," The elemental teenager then said, flustered, worried that someone was onto her. "Just, just, ju-just just friends."

"Agh come on," April laughed, shooting an 'oh really' look at Diamond as she flicked her wrist, sending her tessen flying at Diamond's face. Diamond deflected it with her Chisa Katana, but April skillfully caught it and lashed out with her weapon of choice again.

"I've seen how you two are together," She grinned, making Diamond even more flustered.

"I-it's not-"

"Not what?" April cut her off. She swept Diamond's legs out from under her. Diamond used the air element to stay in the same spot in the air while she rotated herself back into a standing position.

"Not what I think it is?" April teased further.

"No, seriously," Diamond said. "Friends," She finished, making a 'that's all there is to it' motion with her hands.

She then turned away to twirl her Chisa Katana with her right hand (She'd gotten a lot better at it.)

April had been looking at a certain spot on her face as she'd turned away. She closed her tessen and put it away as she commented, "Y'know, Diamond," she said. "Your eyes seem to have a habit of betraying your heart."

"Yeah," Diamond mumbled, a little distracted. She then caught herself. "I-I, wait what?"

"He's kinda cute, isn't he?" April pressed further, trying her best to coax a reaction that would permanently bring her feelings for Leonardo into the light, so she could no longer (try to) hide them from April.

Yeah, well..." Diamond said, moving her sword to her left hand as gracefully as she could while still twirling it. She then let her left hand twirl it instead before continuing. "... I guess... if you tend to like his kind of, unsuspecting, caring, heroic guy that..." Her words had been becoming quieter as she spoke, and her last few words were muttered, and April couldn't figure them out.

April noticed the distracted look flickering in Diamond's eye again, and so she took advantage of that. "Well, do you like that sort of stuff in a guy?"

Diamond nodded. "Yeah..." She said. Despite her distracted attention, April could sense how Diamond was telling the truth. She then squealed with excitement as Diamond caught herself again and said, "Hold on, what did you just say!?"

"You basically just admitted that you like Leo," April said with a dopey grin.

April wished that she had a camera- Diamond's face was priceless as she realised she'd been verbally trapped, and she knew that not replying or even running out of the room would further confirm April's thoughts, so she felt physically trapped as well.

"O-okay," She said as Ivy lept down from the tree. The tabby jumped back onto her owner's shoulders with the help of Diamond.

"Maybe I do have feelings for him," She said, stammering.

"Maybe?" April said.

"Okay, fine," Diamond said. She then proceeded to murmur, "I have a crush on Leo," As her cheeks turned as red as a tomato. "But that... that doesn't mean he returns them," She said. "And I don't exactly plan on telling him anytime soon... or anyone else, for that matter."

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