Chapter 17: Healing Touch

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The lab was silent. Even Ivy's pitiful mews had stopped.

Diamond was sitting cross-legged on the floor, leaning over Ivy as she waited for her pet's mutation to stop, and that didn't take long.

"I-Ivy?" Diamond said. Her voice cracked and she stammered, but for once, she didn't care. After all, the only living being who'd gone through a huge natural disaster with her and had a friendship with had just mutated!

"Are you alright?" The elemental teenager continued.

To her shock, Ivy stood up. She seemed perfectly fine- the cuts she'd bore just a minute ago were nowhere to be found, and the leg she'd avoided stepping on was on the ground as if nothing ever happened to it. And there was one more thing- every stitch and bandage she had was gone.

"What happened to her?" Michelangelo asked, just as confused as the part Japanese teenager was.

"How am I supposed to know!?" Diamond exclaimed in reply, never once taking her eyes off the just mutated tabby.

The mutagen slid off Ivy's fur, and became a puddle of ooze on the ground. Said cat didn't hesitate to step to the side, avoiding the potential risk of double-mutating.

Ivy started to look at herself. She looked around, and Diamond's eyes widened when a glimmer of knowing entered her green eyes. She started to pad forwards towards her owner, and stretched her neck upwards towards Diamond's face.

"What-" Diamond was cut off when Ivy started to nuzzle the cheek that had been punched, and she realised a bruise had come up in the same area.

Then, Ivy started to lick it, causing even more confusion.

When she backed away, Diamond raised her hand to the cheek Ivy had licked. Thanks to the latter, it was wet, but when Diamond put pressure on it, it didn't hurt at all.

"There's still a bruise here, right?" Diamond asked, turning her head to the five males in the room and pointing to the cheek she meant.

"No." Raphael said. His eyebrow was raised.

Diamond's eyes widened. "Does that mean...?"

Donatello walked over, carefully avoiding the puddle of mutagen, and squatted in-font of Ivy. Said cat transferred her gaze from Diamond to the purple clad turtle.

"Diamond, do you have any other wounds?" Donatello asked. Diamond checked herself over, and nodded.

"Yeah, on my knuckle." She said. Just like her bruise, she hadn't noticed it was there.

"Can you get Ivy to lick it, please?"

Diamond nodded again and presented the scabbed over wound. It was as if Ivy knew what she had to do- she padded over again and licked the wound a few times.

When Ivy was finished, she pulled away again and sat down.

Donatello's eyes widened. "Modified mutagen truly makes different results than a normal batch," he breathed.

Diamond took a look at the area the small wound was, only to gasp loudly. What had happened seemed to confirm her thoughts.

"My son, what has happened to her?" Splinter asked, calm as ever.

"The mutagen that hit her was modified," Donatello said. "And it seems to have fused the healing materials and fluids I used on her with her body. This has resulted in her gaining quite the healing touch."

"What?" Michelangelo asked.

Donatello looked at his only younger brother for a few seconds before sighing. "It gave her healing powers."

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