Chapter 13: Walmart Shenanigans

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Diamond had to admit, walking through the streets of New York was much more nerve-racking than it had been before.

She exhaled sharply as she crossed the road for the third time, slipping the hand that wasn't holding Cathy's present into the pocket of her black shorts that wasn't stuffed with cash. Said pocket wasn't empty. A T-phone was safely tucked inside. Donatello had given it to her that morning before she'd left the lair.

"Just in case you need to contact us," Donatello had said. "Keep it. It's yours now."

"What is it?" Diamond had asked, pressing the button on the front. Her eyebrows had raised when the screen lit up.

"A T-phone," Was the reply. "It's just like a regular phone, except with a few twists!"

Ivy could sense her owners nervousness, and mewed, as if asking if she was alright.

Diamond smiled and petted Ivy as she stepped back up onto the sidewalk. "I'm alright, don't worry," she assured. "Actually having a way to contact the turtles immediately makes our situation a little better, at least." She then smiled. "And I have to admit, I can't wait to show Cathy my T-phone!"

They arrived at the pet store a few minutes later. Diamond ran to the back of the store, towards the large sign that said 'VETS'. She charged behind the counter (Lilly wasn't there) and hugged her friend. Koko wasn't there either, so she assumed he was at Cathy's house.

"Hi Diamond!" Cathy exclaimed.

Diamond held out the ukulele playing bird she'd bought and said, "Again, happy belated birthday! Here's your present!"

Cathy smiled as she gently took the plushie from Diamond. "Awww, so cute!"

Diamond pulled up a chair beside Cathy and let Ivy climb down onto the counter.

"You ready for this afternoon?" The elemental teenager asked.

Cathy grinned back. "You bet!"


When twelve-thirty came, Cathy, Diamond and Ivy (Still on Diamond's shoulders) ran out of the pet store. Lilly, Jane, and everyone else who was working that day had exited in a much calmer manner.

"C'mon!" Cathy giggled. "Let's go to Waterfall Café again!"

Diamond laughed. "Yes!"

The two ran through the streets, continued to run when they crossed the road, talking and giggling the entire way.

When they entered the café, it was full of activity. They walked up to the counter. There was two people in the line, and once they'd ordered, the girls placed their own. They were given a number, and they sat down in a seat towards the middle of the café. Cathy took her bag off her back and instead put it on her lap.

They both received a mango smoothie. Diamond began to eat a sausage roll, while Cathy tucked into a ham-cheese-tomato-croissant.

Diamond gave Ivy some cat biscuits, which the cat devoured happily.

Diamond, who had forgotten to show Cathy her new phone in their excitement about their outing back at the vet's, suddenly remembered. She hastily swallowed her current mouthful of food and pulled it out of her pocket.

"I forgot!" She exclaimed. "Cathy, guess what I have now!"

Cathy looked over curiously. "What?"

Diamond pressed the button and turned on the screen, then held it up for her friend to see.

"Woah!" Cathy exclaimed. "A phone! That's great!"

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