Chapter 19: Forts And Memes

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"What should we start with?" Cathy whispered under her breath, just before a staff member walked by. The three girls and cat in the fort stayed silent until said staff member left the aisle.

April and Diamond glanced at each other, as Ivy meowed, looking between the two of them.

"Wait," Cathy breathed. "That's it! Diamond call me."

Diamond's gaze snapped to Cathy. "Uhh- okay... sure, one second." She whipped out her T-phone and called Cathy like she'd done the first time they'd made a fort. Diamond called, and just like last time, Cathy accepted the call before the ringtone could play through the speakers.

April looked at Cathy, whispering, "What is Diamond supposed to do?"

Cathy put her hand up, replying, "You'll see." She then looked at Ivy, then back at Diamond. "Diamond, get Ivy to meow into your phone."

The two girls with powers them realized what Cathy was planning, both of them starting to grin. Diamond held her phone out to Ivy, keeping it a small distance from her face.

Ivy mewed in confusion.

Diamond grinned and whispered, "That's it!" As the meow played through Cathy's Bluetooth speaker, making the customers in the isle pause.

A few moments later, a customer called a staff member into the aisle.

"What's the problem?" The staff member (A tanned, rather short man) asked.

"There's a cat somewhere," The customer, also a man (Taller and paler than the staff member) said. "It just meowed."

The four of them watched the whole situation play out from inside their little fort until both the staff member and all the previous people in the aisle had left.

Cathy stopped the call as she opened up YouTube. She searched up 'Silly Laughing Sounds' and clicked on a video with a troll face as the thumbnail.

The weird sounds started coming through the speakers. It was the laughing trollface from a game Diamond and Darian had once played together, and boy were the laughing sounds weird.

The people in the aisle paused as the majority of them fell silent to listen, many trying to work out where it was coming from.

"What the..." one teenager said.

Another child, around three years old or so, started trying to imitate the odd laughing sound, however, they were instead making a fool of themselves.

They played a few more tricks on the customers unfortunate enough to pass through the aisle. By the time they left their fort, many memes and weird sounds had been played through the speakers as the customers fell victim to the four hidden females.

On their way out, Diamond had used the air element to retrieve Cathy's speaker, but they weren't done just yet.

The speaker was turned off, but Cathy's phone still had Youtube opened. They had one more prank planned... one that involved the intercom.

They approached the front of the shop with the products Cathy's mum had asked her to get into said girl's arms. They went through the checkout, Cathy paid, and then they all leaned against a wall. Ivy mewed as she watched Diamond fly the phone over to the intercom. No staff was around it, so that was good. The three humans engaged in a conversation, trying their best to act normal as Diamond used her powers to lift up the mouthpiece.

Then, suddenly...


It blasted through the speakers in the store, bringing chaos and destroying the 'calm'.

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