Chapter 14: Ninjutsu

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When Diamond and Ivy finally arrived back at the lair, the turtles, Casey and April were nowhere to be found.

The elemental teenager slowly walked inside. "Hello?" She called. "Guys?"

She quickly ran to the bedrooms and threw her stuffed shopping bag into her new room, and then ran to the kitchen.

"Hello? Oh, hi Casey," She said as soon as she saw said boy walking around the kitchen.

Ivy mewed her own greeting.

"Hey, Sparkles," Casey replied.

Diamond hesitated before exclaiming, "Excuse me, but Sparkles!? "

"Diamonds sparkle right?" Casey said with a grin.

"Sometimes, but that doesn't-"

"See!" Casey interrupted. "Sparkles."

"Ugghhhh," Diamond groaned. Why couldn't he have given me a different nickname, she grumbled mentally.

"Where is everyone?" The elemental teenager asked instead.

"In the dojo," Casey replied, leaning on the table.

"Right. Thanks," Diamond said, turning to leave. "Later, dork."

Just after Diamond passed the curtain that served as a door, Casey yelled, "Seeya later, Sparkles!"

Diamond and Ivy continued to head for the dojo, despite the fact Diamond was still fuming at the nickname.

"I guess I'll have to get used to it," She muttered under her breath.

She took the steps leading into the dojo two at a time, the occasional grunt confirming Casey's words.

Ivy leapt down onto the ground as she and her owner peered into the room.

The turtles were practicing their katas, while April was practicing a much simpler one a few paces away.

Diamond walked along to the tree in the middle, where Splinter was, with Ivy trotting along by her feet.

Splinter acknowledged the two's presence by saying, "Hello, Diamond."

Diamond nodded to him and stopped, turning to watch the session. "Ah, konnichiwa..."

Ivy sat down and curled her tail around her feet.

The turtles front flipped and landed, with one closed hand at the top of their plastrons, the other opened in a knife-hand beside their right cheek. Diamond couldn't help but admire their grace.

"Raphael, relax your stance!" Splinter instructed. The red-clad turtle forced himself to relax a little, and Diamond realised how tense he'd been previously. Her eyes weren't ready for this sort of thing.

The turtles then preformed the next move.

"How long have they been doing this for?" Diamond asked.

"I started to train them soon after they could walk and run steadily," Splinter said. "And while they cannot remember it, they liked to watch me as I practiced before they began their training. They have grown up learning Ninjitsu."

Diamond smiled. "It looks amazing," She said. "I really wish I could do that sort of stuff."

She missed the thoughtful look on Splinter's face afterwards.

"What about April?" Diamond asked next.

"She's been training little over half a year."

April jumped as far backwards as she could in one spring, and punched with a slight wobble after her landing. The turtles did another move too, and then nobody did anything else.

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