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It was a seemingly normal morning, and you were outside tending to the garden. You looked up at the sky and noticed there were no clouds, but you couldn't help but feel like maybe in a week or so it was going to rain.

"hey kid."

You jumped at the sound of your Master Sans' voice. You had gotten better at keeping your cool around him, but you never hear him enter or leave a room so it's kinda hard not to get startled by his random appearances.

"Master Sans?" You turned around to face your Master, setting down your hedge clippers. "What can I help you with?"

"well, i just wanted to let you know we're gonna have some company over."

"Company? Will it be Ms. Undyne and Ms. Alphys again, Master?"

Master Sans shook his head, "nah, it's going to be some... relatives of ours. kinda."

Kinda relatives, like that wasn't kinda confusing. "How long will they be staying?"

"not too long, they're just dropping by, before they leaf." Your Master silently snickered at his own joke, while also giving zero information to the question you asked.

"Alright, Master. When will they be here?"

"pretty soon. once your done with the garden, you should start a kettle and bring out some snacks."

"Of course, Master." You curtsied

"don't worry about it too much. though," Your Master grinned. "it's not really a fig deal."

You stared at your Master for a second, before you realized he was waiting for you to make a reaction. "... We don't own any fig trees, Master?"

His smile was strained, "r-right. okay, well i'll let you know when they get here." And in the blink of an eye, he was gone.

You quickly finished up working in the garden, not wanting to be caught surprised when the visitors arrive, while you wondered what the kinda relatives could be like. If they were anything like Master Red or Master Black, you knew you were in for some trouble. But maybe, just maybe, you could get lucky and they'd be like Master Blue or Master Papyrus. Hopefully.

After you were done in the garden, you went to the kitchen to get started on the tea. You took out the teapot and began to boil some water. After a short while, you put some green tea leaves in and turn down the heat. You went to the covered to pull out some cookies that you can set out, when you heard a muffled knock from the front door.

If you listened really closely, you could hear the faint noises of people talking. You guessed it was the visitors, so you hurried and prepared the rest of the cookies and tea.

You heard a soft knock on the door and you turned to see Master Sans. "hey, they're here. bring the food into the living room, okay?"

"Of course, Master."

Your Master left, and you quickly got out a platter where you set two tea cups filled with green tea, various sweeteners such as honey or sugar, and a plate of cookies. Grabbing the platter with one hand, you left for the living room to greet your new guests.

You heard voices as you entered the living room. Master Sans noticed you and smiled. "oh. gaster-me, gaster-pap, this is our maid, y/n."

You quickly curtsied without giving a second looking at your guests saying, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"You have a maid?" You looked up to see where the voice was coming from, and was surprised at the two new faces. They were both skeletons, which wasn't so surprising, but they looked very different from your Masters. The one that was talking looked taller than Master Sans, Blue, and Red, but he just barely matched your height. He wore a leather jacket, and had a laid-back attitude emanating from him. He was smoking which caused you bite your lower lip in irritation. There were few things you had power over, and one of them was your ability to enforce the 'No Smoking in the House' rule. "Heheh, you shouldn't keep such a cute face all to yourself, Sans. Sharing is caring."

Six Skeletons, One MaidWhere stories live. Discover now