Tattle Tale

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You didn't know how exactly you got into this situation, but you didn't like it.

Master red was leaning over the table, inches away from your face, with the biggest grin you've ever seen him wear. And that was saying a lot. You, on the other hand, were staring at him in horror as you sat in the seat across from him.

"afterall, we wouldn't want honey over there to find out about your little... expeditions."

Your brow furrowed in a mix of confusion and anger, "You're... blackmailing me?"

"i prefer to call it "red-mailing"." Master Red snickered at his own joke. "but yes, that's exactly what i'm doing. i'm sure orange won't appreciate it when i tell him about your fun little game of 'hide and seek' in his room. and looking through his things?" Master Red 'tsked'. "shame on you."

You shook your head in disbelief. "How did you...?" Your felt your eyes heat with anger after your realization. "You went through my diary?!"

Master Red's grin grew even wider, "aw, don't look at me like that, dollface. i might fall for ya."

"Of all the devious, underhanded-!"

"or maybe i should tell sans? i bet he'd be pretty upset."

Your eyes widened with shock. You didn't know what Master Sans would do if he found out you snuck around in Master Orange's room and looked in the box filled with machine-parts for whatever they were building, but you knew it wouldn't be good.


Master Red hummed with delight, "no?"

You exhaled, ignoring the urge to throw a lamp at him. "Please don't do that... They'd tear me apart." Despite your temporary infuriation towards your Master, you were still a bit curious. "Speaking of which, why aren't you mad? Shouldn't you be just as secretive and cautious as they are?"

Master Red shrugged, "eh, i don't care. you don't know anything and you're obviously too dense to figure it out, so it doesn't really bother me." You were annoyed at his lack of faith in your detective abilities.

"Fine. What do you want?" You had no idea why he'd even blackmail you in the first place, it's not like you had anything to your name other than your pride (which was almost gone anyway),

Master Red's eyes glowed a dark, unsettling red. "i want you to be mine." He growled.

You looked at him with skepticism. "But I already am yours?"

"true." Master Red shrugged. "but i want you to be mine, alone."

"You know I can't do that, Master."

"also true... but you can come close."

You tilted your head at his request.

"do everything i say, no matter what the request, and put my orders above everyone else's. do that, and i promise to keep your little secret safe."

That was it? Pfft, you already did most of that anyway. This would be easy. "Fine. But if you dare try to ask me to do something like torture somebody or take off my clothes, I will personally go to Master Sans and tell him myself what I did."

Master Red seemed pleased by your compliance, "why, i would never!"

You narrowed your eyes at him, "i mean it."

"i'm sure you do, sweetheart." Master Red rested his jaw on his hands, "i promise i won't make your little sweet conscience fuss... too much."

You didn't like that added ending, but you were in no place to question him. You guessed you would just have to brave it out until your Master would get bored or forget, however long that would take. You sighed, resigned. "Then I'm yours, Master Red."

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