Fluff: Part 1

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Orange's point of view of delirious you from Sick: Part 1

A gift to The_S_S_Selfindulgence for being super grand from the comment section of Sick: Part 1


y/n entered the room me and blue were in. she looked very flushed, and was practically as red as hotland. me and blue exchanged glances. we knew something was wrong.

as she teetered over to the bookcase, my bro voiced our thoughts aloud. "MS. Y/N? YOU DON'T LOOK SO GOOD..."

she put a hand to her cheek, obviously dazed, as she asked, "I don't?"


before blue could say anymore, y/n dropped to the floor. i teleported to her and caught her before she could hit the ground, but something told me that it wouldn't have made a difference.

she slowly opened her eyes, a hazy y/e/c, as she looked at me dreamily. i would be lying if i said i didn't enjoy it, and i could feel my cheeks heat up when she started to play with the strings of my hoodie.

"OH MY GOODNESS, IS SHE OKAY?" blue rushed to me side and looked at y/n with a worried glance.

"Nnnnnn..." suddenly, she started pushing away from me. her weak and fragile pushes did nothing to stop me from lifting her up, though. "Stop..."

i had to ignore blue's worried questioning as i tried to get y/n to sans. sans was in charge of her, after all.

y/n felt very warm to the touch, warmer than she usually did. her breath began to increase, and her expression contorted in pain. "Please... It's so hot..."

i stopped and stared at her for a second. i'd also be lying if i weren't the slightest bit turned on by her words and the flush across her cheeks. but blue snapped me out of it.

"SHE'S HOT, PAPY!" blue bounced back and forth, worried, "WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!"

"i know, i know, i'm thinking. let me check her temperature..." i put my hand to her forehead and was surprised by how much heat she was giving off. she didn't seem to appreciate my phalanges on her face, because she pushed my hand away and turned her head. she seemed distracted when she looked at blue.

"D-DON'T WORRY, MS. Y/N! WE'LL GET YOU BETTER IN NO TIME!" i couldn't help but find my brother's worries adorable.

i lifted her back up again, which lead her to struggling against my grip. i wondered if she was always this weak, or was that just because of the sickness? i carried her quickly over to sans' room, hoping he'd know what to do.

blue turned the doorknob for me as i went in. "sans, y/n passed out!" i said, as i rushed in.

sans got out of his desk and hurried over, "how did it happen?"

"i don't know, she was fine earlier, but then she just collapsed. she's been in this weird daze ever since." i lowered y/n to give her to sans. as her eyes fell to sans, they widened. she started struggling more and more. "g-go away..." she pleaded. i set her down next to sans, and she seemed to struggle more. "...no p-please!"

i stopped, before i looked to sans. i was about to ask why she wanted so desperately to get away from him, but the pained look on his face stopped me. i picked her back up, and said, "what do you want me to do with her?"

"you should take her to her room, put her to bed. just make sure she's comfortable."

i nodded, turning to go back to blue, who was waiting outside for me.


"he said we have to take her to her room." i said, walking passed him. blue followed closely behind me as i hurried down the steps of the grand staircase. i carried y/n passed the kitchen and down the steps to the basement. i still didn't understand why sans would make y/n live down there, when there were plenty of guest rooms she could stay in. i didn't care enough to ask, though.

as i entered the cool basement, y/n seemed to relax more. it seemed that heat was the worst of her problems. i set her down on her bed and exchanged glances with blue.

"i think..." i said to him, "i think we're going to have to take her clothes off."

"WHAT?!" blue roared, "NO! TH-TH-THAT'S JUST-!"

"blue," i said, seriously. "the dress is killing her, she's too hot for it. i'll put her in some of her other clothes, we just need to get her into something less restrictive."

"B-BUT Y-Y-YOU CAN'T!" blue obviously did not like the idea of me stripping her of her clothes.

"i have to."

blue toyed with his fingers, a habit he had since he was little, before he said, "F-FINE, BUT I CAN'T BE HERE THEN!"

"fair enough."

blue looked like he was about to say something, but ended up just nervously leaving. i sighed. he was an open book.

i began fumbling with y/n's dress, and at first she didn't realize what was going on, but that quickly changed. "D-don't!" she squirmed, "...You're not supposed to do that!..."

i sighed. i needed a cigarette. "calm down, y/n. i'm just trying to get you out of that dress." saying it out loud made me realize how creepy i sounded.

she struggled against me, regardless, until i finally had to force her hands down. i could feel my face flushing as i realized how powerless she was...

focus, focus!

i pulled the her arms out of her dress, and her demeanor immediately changed. she must've realized how much grief it was causing her, because she let me peel it off of her afterward. i unbuttoned the dress from the back and took the dress off. my breath became wavered as i looked at her soft bare skin, and i knew i must've been oranger than my hoodie.

focus, focus! i was NOT going to have zero morals today! i had to bring myself together...

i turned and quickly looked in her small closet for her pjs. while looking, i found a small pair of white flats. i smiled, thinking they'd look nice on y/n as i wondered why she never wore them. back to the situation at hand, i grabbed a pair of shorts and a tank top, before turning around back to y/n.

as i reached her side, she allowed me to lift her arms for her as i put on her tank top. it felt kinda nice being so trusted by her, even though i was sure she didn't even know who i was or what was going on. i lifted her legs and was a bright shade of orange as i put on her shorts.

i sighed when it was finally done. i looked at y/n. her face was very heated, making a red blush across her face. she looked so... so innocent as she tilted her head to the side, off in whatever world she was in. it would've been soooo easy to tilt her chin forward and brush my teeth along her soft pink...

focus, focus! stars, i needed a cigarette.

i laid y/n down on the bed, and pulled the light blanket over her. she struggled against the new found heat, but at this point i was very tired of her struggling and i just wanted her to go to sleep.

i leaned down next to her ear and said, "y/n. go to sleep, right now."

like magic, she fell asleep instantly, causing you to smile.

okay, time for a nap.

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